Chapter 5

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Siyeon pov

I woke to a small creature lying on top of me. I smile at the sight, not going to lie Bora looks cute when she is sleeping. She looks so pretty without makeup, and with makeup too but you get what I mean. "Bora." I whisper and gently caress her face. She slightly moves so now she is laying on my chest. Why am I blushing?! I thought. "Bora." I say once again, slightly louder though. Bora finally wakes up and stretches. Her shirt slightly lifts up and I can see her toned stomach. It looks soft but I suddenly put my hands on her hips because she is sitting on my lap now. I quickly take my hands off and mumble a small 'sorry'. She then puts her hands on each side of my head, trapping me from moving. "Bora?" I question nervously. She smirks, "What am I making you uncomfortable?" I gulp. She then leans in closer, our lips just inches apart. I hitch my breathe because she is so close. She starts to lean in to kiss me, I am so nervous...why am I nervous?!

"Hey guys breakfast is downsta-" Jiu says but stops as she sees what's going on. Bora then quickly gets off of me and sits next to me, blushing. "What was that?" Jiu smirks. "N-nothing let's just g-go eat!" Bora stutters and practically runs out of the room. I get up and follow but Jiu grabs my arm, "I low-key ship you guys!" She says excitedly. "Um no she is straight." I say. Jiu smirks, "That's just what she wants everyone to think..." My thoughts kept on repeating that sentence, 'Thats just what she wants everyone to think...' hmm...

We all were downstairs eating breakfast and I swear Yoohyeon and Jiu looked like such a couple, #jiyoo!>.< "So guys do you want to go somewhere today?" Jiu and Yoohyeon asks both Bora and I. I noticed Bora was taking glances of me here and there while eating. "Um, I don't know. I haven't been home all night since I slept here..." I finally spoke. "Oh c'mon Siyeon we can all hangout and get to know each other better!" Yoohyeon said. Ah this bitch always peer pressuring me! Tsk. "Yeah we can all get together know each other!" Jiu agrees with her future girlfriend, unless they are dating already. "Who says I want to get to know her?!" Bora rolls her eyes. "I- weren't you about to kiss me a few minutes ago?!" I roll my eyes. I see Yoohyeons eyes widened in shock. "WHAT?!" She yells. "Yeah! I saw that Kim Bora!" Jiu laughs. Bora stands up and slams her fist on the table causing the silverware to clank each other, "YAH I DID NOT TRY TO, SHE DID!" I stand up with her now, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN "I DID" YOU LEANED IN!" I yell back. She scoffs and storms off upstairs.

"So um no hanging out?" Jiu and Yoohyeon asks in unison. "No." I say and make my way to the door. "I'm going to go home now." I then say goodbye to Jiu and Yoohyeon, Bora was still upstairs so I didn't bother her. I hopped on my bike and before I left the drive way, I felt as if someone was watching me. I look to the left, right, behind me, and I look above me at a window. As soon as I looked at the second story window of Jiu's house, I saw a glimpse of Bora..I think. Then the window curtain closed fast and no one was there.

Bora pov

"She saw me! Crap!" I whisper to myself. I sit down on the bed and just stare blankly at the wall. Why am I like this? I hate her right! Yeah! I hate her and when we go back to school on Monday, I'll humiliate her in front of everyone! I thought. But what if I don't want to? Why do I feel my face get hot everytime we make eye contact!? And...why did I almost kiss her?

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