Chapter 1

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Siyeon pov

"Hey" I hear a familiar voice say, breaking me out of my thoughts. I turn my head and see that it's my best friend Yoohyeon! I smile, "hey!" She raises her eyebrows, "what's wrong?" I clear my throat, "um well you know..." She gives me a reassuring smile, "I know it's your first day at this new school but at least you got me with you!" I smile, "yeah but I don't have you in all my classes, only some." I pout. "I'm the new girl and I literally know no one besides you." She wraps her arm around my shoulder, "AYE it can't be that hard to make friends, I'm pretty sure you already attracted some people's attention, but they are just too much of a coward to approach you!" She says with a smirk. I laugh at what she just said. Then the bell rings, "c'mon I'll walk you to your next class." Yoohyeon says.

As yoohyeon is walking me to class, I hear whispers in the hallway. I also see people glancing at us...or me actually. "Why they keep looking at me?" I whisper to Yoohyeon. "Probably because you are hot!" She smirks. I playfully punch her shoulder and accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh, I'm so sorry...are you okay?" I say to the short girl who just glared at me. "Yes I am fine but you need to watch where you are going, new girl!" She yells at me. "Woah calm down there gremlin!" I yell back at her. She widens her eyes at the nickname I just called her. Then she slaps me. Yoohyeon looked at me with disappointment. I was shocked that she slapped me and just fast walked away before I could do anything. "What the fuck!?" I say. "And that my friend, is Kim Bora..." Yoohyeon sighs. I look at her, "Okay...why she have so much attitude DAMN!" Yoohyeon laughs, "Because she is the rich, stuck up, popular daddy's girl. Her father owns a company...and this school. So she basically gets to do whatever she wants." She shrugs her shoulders as well continue walking.

We stop right in front of my classroom and my cheeks still hurts. Yoohyeon hugs me and says, "AYE I'll meet you after class the cafeteria since it will be lunch!" I nod and walk into class. "Ah Lee Siyeon, find your name on the desk and you will sit there for the remaining school year!" He smiles at me. I look for my name and see it's at the back of the classroom. Yes i say in my head, I love the back of the classroom...I can do nothing! A few minutes after I sit down, I see a familiar short figure walk in the class room... Kim Bora. I see that she is looking for her name and I glance at the seat next to me and see, "Kim Bora." Great, I roll my eyes. She eventually finds her name and rolls her eyes as she sees that she has to sit next to me.

She seated next to me and the lesson begins. I started taking notes, only cause the teacher was looking at me. Then I see Bora write something on my paper. "Bitch" I look at her and say, "bitch? You? Yeah!" I say giving her a cheesy smile. She turns her body towards me and gets close to me, not gonna lie...I was nervous but just a little bit. "Watch your mouth! You have no idea who you are messing with!" She whisper yelled. I roll my eyes and stick my tongue out at her. She was now more angry. "Meet me after class!" She says. "For what?" I smirk. Her face turned red and she clears her throat, "So I can teach you a lesson!" She stated. "Hmm...I don't know, I'm learning a lesson right now in class. I don't think I need more lessons." I say sarcastically. Her face scrunches up as she grabs my arm, "You think you're funny?!" I smile, "I mean my friends say I make good jokes!" Then the bell rings and she storms off put of the classroom...

I scoff, "Easy."

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