Chapter 2

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Siyeon pov

I make my way over to the cafeteria to see Yoohyeon waiting for me at a table. "Hey yooh!" I say to her as I approach her and sit next to her. "Hey!" She says with food stuffed in her mouth, almost choking on it. I laugh at the sight but that laugh soon faded as the cafeteria noise did. Everyone got quiet as soon as those girls stepped in the lunch room. "Who are those girls walking with Bora?" I whisper to Yoohyeon. Only to see that she was in a trance while staring at one girl. I nudge her side, "Yooh, who are they?" I whisper again. She snaps out of her trance and clears her throat, "oh um, that is jiu, handong, and Dami!" She says and I now know she is staring at this so called jiu. "Yo! You staring bruh, you like her or sum?" I ask Yoohyeon. She chuckles shyly, "yeah I've always thought jiu was so beautiful but she will never notice me..." She says as her smile fades away. I glance at jiu to see that she was looking at Yoohyeon and when she noticed I looked at her, she looked away. I frown in confusion. "Gurl you fucking hot, what you mean?!" I say hitting her softly. "You have her in any classes?" I ask. "Yeah but she sits with Bora and Bora doesn't like me so, I can't approach her." She says. Oh right...Bora doesn't like anyone but her popular friend group, I thought.

Yoohyeon and I were laughing at our own jokes as well continued our lunch. My laughter then faded when I saw a girl walking to our table. "Weren't brave enough to meet me after class?" Bora smirks. "Well you didn't say where to meet you and why would I waste my time on you?" I smile. She then grabs the collar of my shirt and pulls me closer. I can feel her breathe hitting my lips. "Bora c'mon leave her alone!" Yoohyeon says. Bora just laughs at what Yoohyeon just said. I then grab her hands and yank them off of my collar and push her back. I could tell she was shocked since her face was like ":0"

"Bora c'mon leave the girl alone." Jiu says to Bora. Bora looks at her and scoffs, "Don't Tell me what to do jiu, and you!" She points her finger at me. "Meet me after school, on the football field!" She yells at me and walks away.

"I'm sorry about Bora." Jiu says to Yoohyeon and I. I look at Yoohyeon only to see her blushing. "That's fine, she doesn't scare me." I say to jiu. She just nods and smiles at us. "Aww..." I hear someone say next to me. Jiu and I look at who said it and I chuckled to myself as I saw that it was Yoohyeon who said it.

Yoohyeon pov

Oh my gosh, she is so cute. Her smile is so contagious! My thoughts were interrupted when I felt Siyeon nudge my side and telling me I said that out loud. Oh shit..."Sorry." I say to jiu. "It's okay..." I notice she stayed silent so I told her my name. "Yoohyeon...i-is my n-name." I stuttered. "You have a pretty name for a pretty face." She blushes. Holy SHI- no way she just said I HAVE A PRETTY FACE! I feel like passing out..."Um can I have your phone number? You seem nice." Jiu ask me. "Y-yeah s-sure!" I say and give her my phone number. "Thanks, I'll text you later!" Jiu says shyly to me and walks away. "HOLY SHIT!" I say to Siyeon. "What I tell you bro, you're hot and she likes you!" She smirks. "Yeah yeah..." I say to her.

Siyeon pov

Hmm...I wonder why she wants to meet after school? I thought but I already knew the answer...

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