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With that I looked down and saw blood coming out of my stomach. Then I look back and Klaus was looking at me as darkness took over me.

Then another hear a gun shoot sound....  


Valentina has been in the hospital for almost two weeks there said she has lost alot of blood and that she can I die or go in a coma if she doesn't wake up soon.

All this time I looked at her for the door. Never having the guts to go inside.

I looked around me before I finally had the balls to enter Valentina's room.

I shut the door behind me before I walked towards her. I pulled the seat by her bed, closer and sat beside her.

I gulped, raised a hand and slowly yet intensely grabbed her hand.

With both my hands, I grabbed that one hand.

I rubbed my fingers along hers, leaning forward as I sat beside her.

I gulped away a lump in my throat.

"Hey" I whispered, almost choking. I cleared my throat "Hey" I repeated, rubbing my fingers along hers.

I cleared my throat once again and



I looked at her eyes, shut, pale and peaceful.

Her breathing sounding more intense that watching her breathe with the help of a machine, was painful to watch.

I raised my hand and wiped away a wet drop along my cheek.

Tears? Fuck.

Once again, my two hands wrapped her tiny hand, playing with her fingers.

"Valentina" I said, my eyes on her eyelids, like I was wishing she'd just open them for a second.

"Move your fingers, move something" I whispered. "The doctors said you could lay here for weeks...a month...more"

I took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry" I finally said, after all these painful days. "I'm sorry" I said, having tears run down my cheeks for the second time this week. "I'm fucking sorry"

I leaned forward, placing my head against her hand as I continued rubbing them. I placed a kiss at her knuckles, one, two...until I kissed all of them.

"I didn't mean for all this to happen, I swear" I leaned back up, still intertwining my fingers within hers.

"All I wanted was to keep you, make...make, love to you on sleepless nights, pleasure you to the point we're both pleasured. I didn't mean to hurt you that bad. I know, I'm a fucking animal. I'm heartless, seeing you in pain was pleasurable, yet...painful. When I heard you cry in your room several nights, I'd walk around clueless, banging my head on every corner...going the entire night without sleeping"

I gulped "Sex, sex is all I'm good at. I couldn't give that up, every time I'd see you smile or giggle, it would hit me, but fuck it took a fucking fight with my soul to forget that and only think about fucking you. God damn Ella"

I took a deep breathe.

"I'm heartless, I come from a troubled past. I grew up saying fuck, I hope nobody goes through that. I even run the homeless shelters here, I've got a few more being built around...what...I don't want to talk fucking business with you. I'm trying to say, I'm trying to help people not go through what I've been through, yet I'm such a fucking hypocrite because I'm doing that my fucking self"

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