Unfortunately, I think he's the one who hurt her the most

Frankie moving out of the house was hard on him. He was good with her being his friend, good knowing she was under the same roof but Frankie wasn't. She needed to step out on her own and Harper, her feelings for him, were holding her back. When he decided to not step up, Frankie chose to step away.

I can't blame her

There's strong feelings from both of them for the other. But they're too close and the ground has gotten muddied for them to see what it is they really want. A little time apart, a chance to see life without the other will clear their vision and help them see what they really want.

There's some serious sparks in the air tonight between them. I've been watching both of them trying to watch the other without being noticed and it's interesting to see. And humorous. It's like high school kids with crushes trying not to get caught looking at the other.

That won't last long

I know my brother too well. He's getting frustrated and when that happens he does stupid shit. Shit he doesn't mean to do but knows it will get her attention. Only it's not the attention he wants from Frankie. It'll only piss her off. And Harper is heading right down that road once again.

He has broken so many glasses I'm gonna start charging him if he does it again. I understand why though, he screwed up and lost his shot with Frankie. She's moving on and from what I'm seeing, Tyler Emerson is more than happy to fill the vacancy.

Harper has taken notice of them too

He's not handling it well. I know he's in love with her. It was obvious once I really looked. Maggie helped me see it. Watching Harper now, he's like a jealous jilted ex watching his love move on. He doesn't have a right to be upset with this. Harper had his chance, he lost and Frankie moved on.

I don't think any of us thought it would be with a Bradford.

Cade introduced me to his family that came in with him tonight. I gotta admit I had a little fangirl moment when I met Blake Bradford, the top quarterback in the NFL, and his brother Derrick, the amazing receiver. I've known for years that Cade is related to the infamous Bradford Boys, but it didn't really sink in until tonight.

Standing at the end of the bar, I'm doing dual duty tonight as I monitor the dining room floor below and the bar plus keeping an eye on Harper up here. I can tell seeing Frankie out with another guy is hard for him to accept. It's too bad the kid lost his nerve and didn't make his move when he had the chance. It's not like we didn't warn him.

Frankie is a catch.

My girl warned me what was what. I was smart enough to listen to her. We know Frankie is smart, beautiful and talented. It was just a matter of time before someone else saw it too.

"Hey, is everything okay? You seem a little worried." Maggie slips her arms around me and snuggles in for a moment.

Looking down at her hands on my chest, I pull on one to bring her in front of me. Holding her close I breathe her in. She is my rock, my heart. I'm going to do everything to make sure she's happy and that we make the family together that we want.

"Yeah, just trying to make sure Harp doesn't do something stupid." I whisper in her ear before I kiss her temple.

I lucked out finding Maggie last year. It's hard to believe we've been together a year now. It's the longest I've been with a girl, besides Adrienne and I'm really not counting her at this point. Everything has been really quiet on that front lately, almost too quiet. It's been putting me a little on edge wondering just what she's going to try next.

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