Amity's New Truth

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It was dark and hazy; nothing was in sight. The only thing that was there was a consciousness with no body. There was a constant ringing in the consciousness' non existing ears. There was then a blurry, distorted image in front of it. The image was in motion with sound and an event was taking place. The consciousness couldn't clearly see what it was but somehow knew that an animal was being killed and eaten. It could hear the animal being torn and feasted upon.

The moving image pasted to show another. A strong neon streak was destroying buildings, the sound of it was like a long deep noted horn. Another image came, it had people. People in white robes, they were fighting something. They lost. There were more. A man in a mask flying in the sky.

Images pasted of the masked man fighting an unknown entity. The consciousness could feel the pain that was being delt to the entity. All the while someone spoke repeating the same name, Amity. Whoever said it was deeply worried. They just went on as more images pasted. Images filled with pain. Blasted, thrown, burned, boiling. The images then started over, repeated in a fast motion. They pasted by again and again all while the voice was saying that name.

Amity. Amity? Amity! Amity!

It stopped. The images were gone, the voice was silent, the place was black. The consciousness could feel a body, a physical presence. It was itself; it was Amity. Her eyes felt heavy, felt glued stuck. She could feel the rest of her body, which was still.

Her body felt tired, exhausted; her muscles were weak. She shifted her eyes to try and open them up. Then finally she managed to open them up, slowly. The first thing she could see was a giant owl sketched into a wooden ceiling. Her eyes were groggy but she opened them up fully.

With her eyes fully opened she saw Luz who was starring back. "Hey, Amity." Luz said. "Luz?" Amity began to say. "What- "Before another word could be spoken, she felt the urge to vomit. She sat upright, flipped her body over, hung her head over a couch arm and out came purple sludge from her mouth.

She vomited twice. Looking down she could see her vomit was Abomination goo, which landed in a pre-placed bucket. Amity keeps hanging over the couch arm, focusing on her breathing.

"Good thing I put that bucket there, huh." Luz said. Amity turned back around, laying her back and arms on the couch arm. Amity keeps focusing on her breathing but asks questions. "Okay, what is going on? What happened? And why am I in the Owl House?" As she said that she looked around to confirm what she said. She was in the Owl House. Eda was on the other side of the couch with King in her lap. Lilith sat next to her.

Amity looked to the floor and saw her siblings, Edric & Emira. "Ed, Em, what are you doing here? What is going on?" Emira spoke. "Well, Amity that's... We've been working on that. I don't know how to tell you this, but long story short, you're cursed." "I'm... cursed? Like Eda?" "No, you're not." Eda said. "You're cursed but instead of turning into an owl beast you instead turn into a giant Abomination. When that happened, Belos showed up to commit a murder on you but instead of dying you were found in one of the many chunks that was left behind."

"Okay, okay." Amity said. She took a breath. "Why and how?" "We were hoping you'd tell us." Luz said. Amity then realized that she was in Luz's lap. She had a minor silent freak-out in her mind and took herself off the couch in order to not go wild. When she stood up, she felt unbalanced but quickly reoriented herself. She looked down and noticed that she wasn't in her usual clothing. She wore a short sleeved yellow t-shirt and a pair of short jeans. "Are these your jeans?" Amity asked Luz. "Yeah, they are. When we found you, your clothes were torn and soaked with goo so we had you changed. But don't worry, not by me, by Emira."

Amity Abomination (The Owl House AU)Where stories live. Discover now