Blight Awareness

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It was dark at Blight Manor. The only two people there were Edric & Emira, the Blight Twins. They were in the kitchen sitting around. Ed had grabbed a chair and sat backward in it. Em was sitting on the kitchen counter with a partly eaten piece of fruit in her hands. She was sitting there holding and looking at it, pondering a question.

"Hey Ed?" Emira said. Edric looked at her. "Yeah?" Edric responded. "Do you wonder why we're here?" "One of life's greatest mysteries, isn't it? Why are we here? I mean are we just the product of some cosmic coincidence, or is there really a god watching over everything. You know with a plan for us and stuff. I don't know sis but it keeps me up at night."

The two then stared at each other for a few awkward seconds of silence. Emira broke the silence.

"What? I mean why are we here at home, sitting around doing nothing when our sister is missing." "Oh, uh... Yeah." "What was that stuff you just said about god?" "uh... nothing." Edric buried his blushing face into his arms. You wanna talk about it?" "No." "You sure?" "Yes, maybe. Can we?" "Yeah, I guess."

Their existential conversation was interrupted by a knocking at the door. "Oh, that might be her." Emira said. She put down her fruit, hopped down from the counter and rushed to the door. "Wait!" Edric said. "What about my existential crisis?" "You'll always have an existential crisis. This might be Mittens." "Ah, you're right."

They got to the door. Emira opened it, hoping it would be Amity. Instead, it was Luz & Lilith. Luz was wearing her new cape and Lilith was in drag. "Oh," Emira said. "The Human cutie." "Yeah, it's me. Hi you two." Luz said. "Hey. And I see you brought a friend." Said Edric. "Yes, hello children." Said Lilith. "We're looking for-" "We're looking for Amity. Is she home?" Luz interrupted Lilith.

"Unfortunately, no." Emira said. "She left for school this morning but she didn't return. Mom & Dad got worried and went to report the problem with Emperor Coven guards. Me and Ed have just been waiting here. We were thinking of looking for Mittens but we don't know what use it would do."

"That doesn't make sense. She left school early today. I saw her leave." "Wait, why did she leave?" "I'm not entirely sure. I mean she was looking rather tired, she sneezed purple goo and vomited in a trash can. Now that I say it out loud, she could be sick." "Hmm, she did seem rather tired this morning." Edric said. "But sneezing purple goo, that's weird."

Emira then spoke. "If she were really that sick then she would've come home. Hold on, why did you come here?" Lilith spoke. "We heard about the Abomination Monster and Luz was worried about her friend. So, we came to see if young miss Blight was okay and see if she might be related to the monster."

"I don't really see how that would be possible. Amity is skilled in Abominations but not only would she not be capable of making one of that size she would have no reason to." Emira said. "Unless she has a secret fantasy of destroy Bones Borough." Edric commented. "I really doubt that, now shut up." Emira said.

"But it might be." Luz said. "Okay, yeah, Amity being related to that thing isn't very likely but we both know Amity was feeling so good today. She sneezed purple goo. Purple Goo! For all we know that's Abomination goo. There's some sort of corre... coral... correlation here." Luz tried to remember how to pronounce correlation."

"Okay, well, if there is an off chance of Amity being related with that thing what do we do?" Emira asked. Luz pondered for a moment. Lilith spoke up and crouched down next to Luz. "Luz, I should inform you that if you're thinking what I think you're thinking it would be best not too."

"Well, what else am I supposed to do, Lilith." There was worry in Luz's tone. "Something is going on and I don't know where my friend is. I don't want to say it but in the back of my mind I'm thinking that... that... Amity might be the monster."

Lilith put her hand on Luz's shoulder. "Luz." "This might be a curse. We have to do something." "Then let's go." Edric said. Luz & Lilith turned to Edric. "If you want to go face to face with a monster that might be my sister then lets all go." "Edric, no." Emira said. "I know we do dumb stuff for fun but that wouldn't be fun. That would be death." "If that monster really is Amity then we have to do something. Save Amity, if that's the case." "Ed, I'm trying to be responsible for once. Let me have my moment."

"Emira," Luz said. "I've seen Eda transform from herself to a giant owl beast that has a small resemblance to herself. Eda has a thing for owls and she turned into one. If this is a curse we're dealing with then it makes sense that Amity would turn into an Abomination beast bigger than herself." Lilith spoke. "But Luz-" "No, curser!" Luz said infuriated. "Emira, we've got to help Amity. Please."

Luz puts her hands together, pleading. Emira took a moment and looked to her brother. Edric did what Luz was doing, looking at Emira too. Emira took a deep breath. "Fine. It's better than doing I guess." "Yes!" Both Luz & Edric said at the same time.

Emira rode with Luz on Owlbert and Edric rode with Lilith on her palisman. Together they went towards the destruction and towards Amity, the Abomination Monster. 

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