The Owl Evening News

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It was a late evening at The Owl House. The people who lived there were playing Hex Em Hold Em. Right now, Eda was playing with her newly outlawed sister, Lilith. Eda may have gotten older due to her curse but her skills in play and cheating wasn't hindered.

Eda wore an over-sized sweater with a long skirt that covered her legs and wore old bunny slippers. Since Lilith didn't have any pjs, due to being an outcast from the Emperor's Coven, she had to borrow from Eda. She wore baggy sweat pants and a Bad Girls Coven t-shirt.

Lilith knew it was likely for Eda to cheat but she played against her regardless. She also cheated to even the playing field. They were both drinking adult Apple Blood while playing, so things were going to be predictably heated.

On the sidelines was Luz in her pjs, sleeveless white t-shirt and blue shorts with yellow stars, and King napping in her lap being petted. In the background was a crystal orb television playing a random episodic series. Probably a late-night drama show. Hooty's head, or the beginning of his tube body, laid by it watching.

Eda had just done a nasty card trick which ended in some of Lilith's cards getting torn. "Gosh Titan Edalyn!" Lilith yelled with her fist slamming on the table. "That was a dirty move and you know it!" "Well how else am I supposed to play with you cheating?" Eda responded. "You cheated first!" "No, you- Wait... I guess I did." Eda's laugh sounded like a pig snort.

Lilith growled with anger. Luz spoke up. "Well, I still don't know how this game works." "Well, its rather simple really." Eda said. Lilith frustratingly replied, "Oh, you would say that, wouldn't you?"

Just then, Hooty spoke. "HOOT! HOOT! HOOT!" He kept screaming like an alarm in his high-pitched annoying voice. "ALARM HOOT! ALARM HOOT!" "Oh, my Titan, Hooty. What?" Eda said. "Hoot! The television ball is blinking red. You know what they say, blinking means alarm, so I'm alarming! Hoot." "You certainly are." Lilith said.

"Wait, wait." Eda said. "What does the television say?" "Here." Hooty said and then wrapped himself around the crystal television and picked up the remote with his beak. He set the television on the middle of the table where Eda and Lilith were playing. Hooty tried to turn up the volume with the remote in his beak. He failed horribly.

"Give me that." Eda took the remote from his beak and turned up the volume. On the crystal television was a reporter, Perry Porter, in a slight panic. He was reporting a dangerous event happening in Bones Borough.

"This is Perry Porter, reporting live from a safe distance. As day turned to night, a large creature similar in appearance to an Abomination, appeared from the outskirts of town and is now wreaking havoc upon everything."

The camera feed showed the large Abomination creature stomping on buildings. The camera picked up faint screams from a distance. This large monster was serious trouble.

"How could something like that exist? No one in the history of Abomination Magic has created something so large." Lilith exclaimed. "Well, it's obviously not your typical Abomination." Eda chimed in. "Aside from its complexion the shape is all wrong."

"Shouldn't we do something about this?" Luz asked. "We could but I doubt we'd be able to do much." Eda said. "You see how large that thing is, right? Besides, it's not our problem. Let the Emperor handle it." "But- " "Do not say that Azura would do the same." "I Wasn't". She was.

"I hate to agree but given our own conditions we can't handle something like that, regardless of how we feel about it." Lilith said with disappointment. "I hate to admit it but, yeah." Eda said.

Luz then had a sudden realization. "Wait. Earlier today at school, Amity wasn't doing so well. When I talked to her, she sneezed Abomination goo. Either that or purple boogers but it's hard to say. Later in the day she went home early. I tried calling her to see if she was doing okay and she didn't answer."

"So, what, you think that Amity is related to this goop monster thing?" Eda said. "No, I'm just saying that... okay maybe I am." "That's a rather leap in logic." Lilith added on.

King got up from Luz's lap and climbed on the table. "Okay, so we can't fight this monster and there's no clear connection to Amity. If that's it I would like to go back to my comfy nap." King announced. "Baby." Eda said. "I am not a baby! I just want to sleep!" King's voice grew higher when he spoke aggressively.

Speaking of higher tones, a high pitch was coming from the crystal television. Everyone looked back to it. "Wait, somethings happening." Perry Porter said. The camera kept its focus on the creature. The inside of the monster's mouth began to turn to a glowing neon pink.

As it glowed it made a high pitch sound as it appeared to be charging. It was. Then out of the mouth came a stretched-out beam of energy. It shot out forward and destroyed an entire row of buildings. It kept firing and the monster moved its head towards the reporter, which aimed the beam towards the reporter.

"Oh no, get down!" The reporter screamed. The footage went to static. "Did we all just see that?" Lilith asked. "Yes, we did." Eda answered. "Well, that settles it." Luz said, now standing. "Someone's gotta do something." "Luz, that thing has a laser coming out its mouth! You can't fight!" Eda said. "I'm not. If this is related to Amity in any way then I have to atleast check."

"Okay, fine! There's no point in arguing with you regardless. But under no circumstances are you to face that thing. Just incase though take Lilith." "What? Why do I have to go?" Lilith asked. "Because you're the only other one of us that's good with glyph magic. Luz might need you." "Fair enough. Luz, get in proper clothes and grab your cloak. I'll change too and then we'll leave on my staff." "Alright!" Luz said. She then ran to her makeshift room to change into something proper.

"Lilith," said Eda. "If something happens, don't let Luz pull a Luz and get in danger, and I mean it." "I'll make sure of it. I may be an outlaw now but I understand responsibility." 

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