XI. Horizon

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It was sundown before Gibbs had bashfully approached Jack, who had been waiting for this particular conversation since they had lost sight of Port Royal behind them. His Motley crew were an old fashioned, not to mention suspicious lot and their standoffishness was to be expected. After all he still had some suspicions that were not going anywhere anytime soon.

"Fine night, isn't it Gibbs?"

"Aye Captain." The man smiled, turning to face out at the open sea along with Jack, although his eyes peeked at the younger man every other second or so, trying to figure a way of casually bringing up his worries.

"Gibbs?" Jack questioned, already having noticed the mans demeanour over two hours ago.

"Eh, Captain..." Gibbs winced, rocking back and forth on his heels. "A lot of the men on board, myself included, were wondering what the lass was doing aboard..." He paused for long enough to be able to peak at Jack. "Some are asking if we be simply keeping an eye on her until we're able to be relieved from her poisonous ways, or if she is now...with us..."

Poisonous ways. Jack almost laughed aloud at the ageing man. When he had last sailed with Barker she had been nothing more than the little girl who swabbed the deck, brought his rum and avoided the crew in fear of being the butt of their jokes. Now men hid from her in fear of her 'ways'.

"She's our new Navigator." Jack stared bluntly, shocking Gibbs. "And you can tell the crew, that if anyone has a problem with that, they can come see me about it personally."

His first mate stuttered over his words a couple of times before nodding. "Aye Captain."

Jack smirked, getting some amusement out of the mans discomfort and leant into the helm. He had been stood in that spot since taking back the Pearl, and it still was just as sweet. The view of the open seas, the sound of the wind brushing through the sails... For the first time in years Jack felt as though he was home. Yet, something was missing.

Since he had sent Nicolette below with Gibbs, requesting that he show her to a spare hammock or piece of floor for her to occupy in the crews quarters, something had felt off. In fact, he hadn't seen her since then.

"Where is our little mutineer anyway?" Jack asked, trying his very best to appear casual.

"Not seen her since supper Captain. She took a bowl from the galley and left."

The Captain hummed under his breath and released a sigh of contentment. "Take the helm Gibbs. It's been a long day."

"Aye Captain."

After he passed over supervision Jack slipped off, keeping to the shadows as he wound a path to the bow of the ship. That was her spot, had been then and would be forever more.

Jack remembered the first time she had found this hidden corner of the ship and claimed it as her haven. It was one of the few nights Jack had seen his first crew truly spooked as they all, including himself, had feared they had been set upon by a Siren's call. The sounds which came that night in the middle of the China Sea made each man alive feel as though they had been blessed by angels. Somehow soft and powerful, the beauty of the voice had silenced them in a way no Captains command could. Those on duty abandoned their chores and those sitting, stood to seek out the nearby goddess who's voice overpowered the waves and breeze.

Those lads with a more nervous disposition had took to plugging their ears with old rags, while others had been so seduced by the voice, they sought to lean over the side of the Pearl for the pretty face which went along with it.

Very soon however, after the voice had stopped, they had found their siren when the petite figure had appeared from behind the foremast, wide eyed and as pretty as a bird. The men had made her sing at least once every full moon from that night on as they had sat watching with heartache filling their lonely eyes on long voyages.

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