Chapter Deux

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Everyone was dancing and the band was top volume. I was marveled at the sight, there was so many people, normally I'd stay home but this was something I couldn't miss. Then I was tapped on the shoulder. "Pardon, Mademoiselle, but may I have the honour of this dance?" A Frenchman, interesting. " Oh, how rude of me, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette Marquis de La Fayette but you can call me Lafayette."

"Ok, Monsieur Lafayette, I would love to dance with you, and my name is Y/N Y/M/N Schuyler, it's a pleasure," I spoke softly, my elder sisters always said that flattering people was the way to get the man you wanted and this was definitely the man I wanted to court.

So we made our way to the dance floor and Lafayette was constantly apologising for not being that good at dancing. I was constantly telling him that he was fine. We danced the night away, like there was no one else in the world, just me and him, forever. I never knew that I could get someone to like me.

After dancing, Laf asked me to meet him outside, and butterflies crowded my stomach as I walked out into the cold winter air. I saw him waiting there for me. I gracefully walked over and sat gently beside him. Laf sighed and said "I know that we only met today Y/N, but I, how you say? Love you. When you touched my hand it felt like, how you say, electric sparks were going through my body. I just wanted to know if you loved me back?" Laf asked.

I breathed in and whispered "Oui, Lafayette I do love you and I just wanted to give you something."

"What mon amour?" He said with a hint of wonder in his tone.

"This," I said and kissed him on the lips with passion. He immediately kissed back and started to caress my cheek. I heard footsteps coming towards us but decided to ignore them. I pulled away slowly so that I could breathe and he said " Merci, that was magnifique, the most amazing gift ever!" Then I realised, the footsteps were they still there.

"Your welcome, so sorry for ruining the moment but I heard footsteps before and the person might've seen us or still be there," I said in complete awe of what just happened. I looked to my left and saw my sister, Eliza. "I'm so sorry, Monsieur, here take this and make sure to write to me, I love you!" I handed him a piece of parchment with my address.

"Au revoir Mademoiselle, I will write I promise, Je t'amie aussi!" Lafayette called out to me.
I ran to my sister and asked her what she needed.

"Well I think I've fallen in love with an immigrant from the Caribbean," she said "He is just so amazing!"

Should I tell her about Lafayette? I should. "Oh, that's amazing, Eliza! I've found someone that I've fallen in love with too! He's a Frenchman!"

"Oh, Y/N that's amazing! What's his name?"

"His name is-" and that's where I got cut off by Laf and his friends acting like drunk idiots. "I'll be back Eliza."

"Hi Laf! Who are your friends?" I asked.

"This is John Laurens," he said and pointed to a shortish man with brown curly hair in a ponytail. "This is Hercules Mulligan," he pointed to a tall guy with dark skin and short hair. "And this is Alexander Hamilton," and pointed to a short guy with dark hair and tired eyes with a ponytail.

"Who is this Laf," the three men chorused.

"This, mon amies is Y/N Schuyler, the girl I will hopefully be able to court," Lafayette said. I blushed at this comment. He wanted to court me!

"Wait, Schuyler! I have just met your sister! Elizabeth, she's wonderful! Are you anything like her?" So this is the guy Eliza wants to court, this is the 'handsome Carribbean man' that she met.

"No, I'm nothing like Elizabeth," I said and he looked sad, what is up with him! "She's kind and gentle and I'm an arsonist." Oh crap why did I say that, now his friends will think I'm weird and won't approve of me.

Ok, well that's the end of chapter Two, I hope that you like it 734 words a lot better than the last one ok well I'll keep working on the next one that will probably be talking to Eliza or Phillip Schuyler finds out about you and Laf. I'll decide when I get there. Well, the updates will get slower as school is starting back up here in Australia for ten weeks and then holidays again. Well bye!!!

The Forgotten Schuyler (Reader X Lafayette fanfiction) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now