Masturbating Together

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There was that strange noise again

Rukia sat up with an annoyed hiss as she was once again deprived of sleep by the strange faint but very noticeable noise from outside her closet, it wasn't the soft intake and outtake of breath from Ichigo or the pitter-patter of Kon moving around that she had grown accustomed to

This sound was deeper, hoarser and huskier, almost like a moan of pain which prompted Rukia to fully awaken, bolting upright as she trained her ears to focus on any more noise; it could have merely been nothing, it was probably Isshin getting up and bumping into things in the dark, that would have eased her nerves if it wasn't for the fact that Isshin was away that weekend along with Karin and Yuzu leaving her and Ichigo alone in the house

Blinking as her eyes adjusted to the dark Rukia rested her hand on the closets door waiting to hear the noise again, seconds later she heard it again slowly and silently opening the closet door and peeking outside

Ichigo's room was dark aside from the moonlight streaming through the window, her violet eyes slowly scanned the room for any intruder or hidden threat before focusing in Ichigo's direction, noticing how his bed sheets were strangely bunched around his waist, Rukia carefully climbed out of the closet creeping as quietly as she could to Ichigo's bed

She was about half way across the room when she suddenly stopped in shock, her eyes wide as she finally discovered the source of the noise, beads of sweat covered Ichigo's forehead and his toned up body, trickling down his strong biceps as he breathed heavy and low, his chest rising and falling in a rapid manner that could have been mistaken for sickness if Rukia hadn't looked lower towards his waistline, his large hand wrapped tightly around his penis and as Rukia took in the sight of it her heart started to pound and her groin began to heat up

He was very well endowed for a man of just above average height, a very healthy looking seven inches, maybe eight but she could easily see that Ichigo's hand only covered a little more than half of his length, his thickness prevented his fingers from touching his palm and even in the low light she could see how red the throbbing head of his cock was, she had heard other girls in their class discussing how embarrassing it was to walk in on someone masturbating but she never knew it would be like this

Feeling her mouth go dry Rukia carefully started to creep back to her closet, intending to try to go to sleep and pretend that this never happened, for some reason Ichigo had not noticed her for the entirety of her watching him and as she silently backtracked she found herself unable to look away from Ichigo's cock or the way his hand pumped along it flawlessly making her groin tingle

"Rukia" Ichigo groaned making her gasp fearing that he had caught her, stopping stock-still as she stared at Ichigo's form, he didn't rise or do anything else only groaning a little harder as his back arched slightly

"He's....thinking about me?" Rukia gasped in her head as her cheeks flushed; normally she found the idea of somebody masturbating to the thought of her both disgusting and disturbing but Ichigo was different, the thought of him thinking of her in such a way was almost exhilarating making her legs shake causing her to lose her footing momentarily stepping on a loose floorboard

The creak that echoed from the floorboard sounded louder than an explosion in the silent room, Rukia holding her breath as Ichigo bolted upright from the noise, his eyes wide with shock as he bunched the covers back around his erection, rapidly glancing around the room until he noticed Rukia standing less than a foot from the closet staring nervously at him "holy shit midget, what do you think you're doing?" he instinctively snapped before realising his situation "you didn't...did you?" he asked quietly clenching his bed sheets tighter

"Yeah...I saw" Rukia responded looking away as her cheeks burned again

"Fuck" Ichigo cursed pressing the heel of his palm to his forehead; Rukia was never going to let him live this down, either by constantly reminding him of the incident or by labelling him a pervert and ruining his reputation both at school and within the Shinigami ranks

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