Yuu's secret

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After sleeping for a few hours, Yuu wakes up.
'I'm in my room? Did I fell asleep like that?'

Yawning, he gets up and looks outside the window.

"It's almost dawn, fortunately, the night is still here." I am fond of night. It is quiet, calming, and pleasing to look at. Especially under the night sky, both my body and soul feel comfortable. Like soaking in warm water.

I opened the window and breathe the cool night air. I sigh comfortably feeling blowing air. At school, I never have felt it. I've never been afraid of cold. Even though I still wanted to see, the height making me a little nervous.

I have had a secret since I was young.
I can see glowing butterflies with entities that humans can't see. I suppose vampires can't see either. I hope so. But I do not worry, the butterflies will disappear when someone is about to look at them.

A wind blew and a beautiful glowing butterfly flying towards me. With a rare smile on his face, I let out my finger toward it.
The butterfly leans on my finger.
It has no entity but I can touch it.
More glowing butterflies come along with the wind, pass through the mansion wall and gather around Yuu. If others see it, it will be a beautiful scene.
Beautiful glowing white butterflies flying around the dark mansion, their light tinkering as they surround the mansion.

Too bad, only Yuu can see it, or is it?

The butterflies gather around Yuu tinkering like they are talking to him. It is.
Yuu only understands some words but some don't. Yuu liking night may also be a part of the butterflies. As the night getting longer, Yuu can't help but feel sleepy. Although he slept, it was just a few hours. After getting on the bed Yuu says to the butterflies, "Night, little ones." But he knows that they won't disappear.

Little known to him, someone was observing him.

Laito pov

Someone with a hat and a smirk.

"Fu~Fu~ little secret of sweetie-chan. Although I can't see what they are, I can feel them. There are so many around in the mansion but mostly concentrated in this room.
But I guess sweetie-chan can see them? Fu~Fu~"

"The fluctuations are more powerful inside sweetie-chan's room, I can feel it. fu~fu~"


Morning, the sun was glaring on Yuu's face. His little face wrinkled.
Grabbing the blanket, pulling on his face, and sleep again. After a few minutes, he was going to fall asleep again.

Then a loud noise interrupts him, ringing inside his head.
"Mmm..." He rolls to another side, sleeping again.

"Fu~Fu~ sweetie-chan, don't moan like that, you are making me unbearable."

Yuu's face winkled again.
He grabs the pillow and puts it on his face then quiet again.

Laito laughs at his childish behavior, "Fu~Fu~ Even though sweetie-chan has no expression in normal time, he sure is honest when he is sleep."

Laito gets closer, he is ready above Yuu, he grabs the pillow.

"Your sleeping face is so cute, sweetie-chan."

Laito sniffs around your neck and lets out a nasty sound, "Your scent is so refreshing. Feeling like seeing a water pond in the desert. It's cool, sweet like ice cream."

Laito let out his fangs and licks around Yuu's neck.

Yuu's pov

I feeling something wet around your neck.

I crack open one of my eyes, seeing the fedora guy around my neck, sniffing and licking.

'Really? What a great morning...'

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