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Written after the release of Chapter 24

Before we start I would love for you guys to go read the one-shot that freeKam wrote, it's the "All Alone" one-shot written in Galehaut's perspective and it's really freaking good.


High School AU

I nervously entered the detention room and saw three students already seated. I took a seat separate from them.

"Hey, you're the new kid right?" The guy with long white hair asked and I simply nodded.

"Why are you in here for?" The blonde next to him asked.

"I pointed out how the teacher is being irresponsible and unfair," I answered honestly.

"Let me guess, Mr. Ajax." A guy with long brown hair next to the blonde said.

"How did you know?"

"It just sounds like him, there's a reason why his name is Ajax."

"By the way my name is Tristan and these two are Lancelot and Galehaut." Tristan, the white-haired guy introduced himself and his friends.

"What are you in here for then?"

"I corrected our History teacher way too many times." Tristan chuckled.

"I skipped Math Class way too many times," Lancelot said.

"Accused of cheating," Galehaut said.

After the introductions, the door opened revealing a boy wearing a lab coat.

"Hey, Nasiens my dude." Galehaut greeted. "Did something exploded again?"

"No, I was caught using the frogs as my genie pigs." The boy named Nasiens answered.

"Again, why don't you just use actual genie pigs. You can definitely afford them." Galehaut raised a brow.

"Anyway, Nasiens this is Percival, Percival, Nasiens." Lancelot chimed in.

"Nice to meet you." Percival beamed.

Nasiens nodded and went on to his seat.

After detention, Percival went to his next class which is Science.

There he saw Nasiens again.

"Hey! It's me, Percival,  from detention." Percival decided to seat next to him.

"Oh, I remember you." He nodded whilst playing with his pen.

The discussion started and the teacher then decided to give the students a small exercise.

"Now, you'll be working this in pairs and you'll be paired up with your seatmates." The teacher said.

Nasiens being much more experienced compared to everyone in the class breezed through the activity, much to Percival's delight.

The class soon ended and the students all rushed out of the laboratory, now headed to the cafeteria for lunch. All expect Nasiens who is now working with different colored beakers.

"You're not going to lunch?" Percival asked.

"I usually eat lunch in here," Nasiens answered.

"Is that so." Percival nodded. "Can I join you?"

Nasiens raised a brow. "Why?"

"I dunno, I just want to, besides I can't just leave you all alone here," Percival answered, pulling a sandwich out of his bag and tearing it in half.

"Do you want some? My grandpa made them." Percival offered the other half to Nasiens.

"Thanks." Nasiens reluctantly accepts the other half and takes a bite out of it.

"Isn't it delicious?" Percival giggled.

"Yeah, it is." Nasiens slightly nodded.

"What are you doing with all of those colorful liquids anyway?" Percival asked, taking a huge bite of the sandwich.

"They're poisons," Nasiens replied.

"My grandpa told me that no life can be saved without knowing your poisons and that every lethal herb and poisonous plants and deadly mineral elements if correctly formulated they can all become medicine," Nasiens said as he dropped a dark liquid from a test tube onto the seed and it caused the seed to rapidly sprout.

"Wow, that's amazing." Percival cheered.

The bell then rang signaling that lunch is over and the students need to prepare for the next class.

"Nasiens, what's your next subject?" Percival asked.

"History," Nasiens answered, cleaning up his table.

"Ohhh, I have History too. Let's go there together." Percival smiled.

Nasiens looked at the boy in front of him with a curious look.

"Why do you want to?" Nasiens whispered but his voice is loud enough for Percival to hear.

"Because that's what friends do." Percival looked at him with the brightest smile he has ever seen.

"Now come on, we're gonna be late." Percival took Nasiens' hand and drag him outside the lab all the way to their next class.

Nasiens smiled and it turns out meeting someone in detention won't turn out so bad after all.

Four Knights of the Apocalypse ShenanigansTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon