Maybe I'm giving them more credit than they deserve; thoroughness is likely not a priority for murderers.

I learn quickly that the first-floor rooms are for the pack. One is a decent-sized gym with a few treadmills, free weights, and benches. Another is a small library.

I enter this room and study the floor-to-ceiling shelves of literature. Some shelves have large volumes that look old and dusty. A few of these volumes are even in a language I don't recognize. Latin, maybe. I'm more than disappointed that not a single shelf has the raunchy erotic novels I usually splurge on in my free time.

There's one window in the library that I find myself moving towards. The four-pane offers a view of the side of the house. Sprawling, green grass stretches between me and the forest beyond.

My throat constricts at the side of dark patches around the yard. I don't need to get close to know its blood.

"Been looking for you."

I spin around.

The impressively tall, muscular figure of Lenora's friend, Carter, lingers a few feet away. His eyes dart around the library, but I can tell he's paying close attention to my every move.

"Carter, right?" I say. I'm not sure if I should be afraid of him or not.

"That's me." His eyes turn to me and I'm immediately unsettled by their intensity. Like Lenora, he has this presence about him. I resist the urge to flinch away from him.

I wait for him to explain himself but he says nothing. As he stares, I shift awkwardly on my feet.

"I heard about your little heroic act," he finally says, breaking the tension.

Swallowing down my anxiety, I meet his eyes again. "My what?"

"Caden told me about you two killing a few rogues. I don't know how you managed it when they've mowed through so many Alphas and other packs."

I'm not sure what he wants me to say.

"You're a Luna now," he adds with a sigh. "A damned lucky Luna, at that. Lenny is one of the best wolves out there. You're very lucky." He scratches the back of his neck. "I was pissed when I first found out about you. Lenora and I could make a strong alliance with our packs. But . . . I see now why she needs you. Taking these bastards down is going to require more than just a kickass Alpha. The pack needs an equally kickass Luna."

My cheeks warm and I rub my arms. "Thank you?"

He smiles and it melts my lingering mistrust. "You're welcome. I wanted to tell you that before I go. You hold the heart of the best Alpha there has ever been. Take care of her for me."

"She seems to be doing all of the caring," I murmur with a sigh.

"You'll see." Carter extends a hand and I shake it. "Nice to meet you, Emery. I'll be seeing you again soon, I suspect."

The moment he's gone, a weight falls off my shoulders. I relax into myself with a heavy sigh. All interest in picking up one of the books fades as I remember where I am. Literally in a den of werewolves. Not only that, but I'm in a den after a battle has just taken place.

Rubbing my temples, I leave the library feeling guilty. I shouldn't be just wandering around. We have to figure out the food problem and I would like to get back to my apartment. Lenora will probably veto that. But I would like to get some more of my clothes at least.

I stop someone in the kitchen and ask if they know where Lenora is.

"Luna," the older woman says, bowing her head immediately. "I don't know where Alpha is, but I know someone who might."

When she lifts her head, I nod. "What's your name?"


"Thank you, Amanda," I tell her. "I know you're busy, so please don't let me distract you. If you could just point me in the direction of where I can get some information?"

She points to the back door. I was hoping I wouldn't have to go out there. Swallowing down a dreadful sigh, I thank Amanda and we go our separate ways. The word Luna floats around in my head as I make my way outside. I don't think I'll ever get used to being called that.

Wolves are milling about in the yard and a few people walking around in minimal clothing. They seem to be cleaning up what they can. I look around to see if I recognize anyone but I don't. My eyes flicker down to the deep grooves in the porch where claws left their mark. Amazingly, more of the pack house wasn't damaged.


My head snaps up and I'm surprised by my own responsiveness.

Denver jogs towards me from the forest. He's wearing thin jogging shorts but is barefoot and shirtless. I take in his impressive form and immediately make a note to go for a run later. These people are all fit. My chunky ass doesn't need to stick out more than it already does.

"Hey," I say once he's close enough. "You wouldn't happen to know where Lenora is, would you?"

He smiles and wipes some sweat from his brow. "I would, actually. But I'm under strict orders to keep you in the house."

"Okay, but I have a serious matter to discuss with her."

"Please," he says, spreading an open palm between us, "go ahead. I'm all ears."

I take a deep breath and try not to roll my eyes. "We're low on food. I'm worried that we won't have enough, especially if the rogues come back sooner than later."

"Good point." He salutes me. "I'll relay your concern to Alpha. In the meanwhile, I would be much more at ease if you stayed inside."

I don't want to go back inside but I don't want to be out here either. The stench of copper taints the air and it feels strangely humid. If I had it my way, I would go hide in my apartment for a few days. Lenora would probably kill me. Also, my car isn't here since she picked me up from my place.

Rather than argue, I shuffle back inside. Denver trots back off into the woods. I tap my chin with a huff and wonder . . . how bad could a punishment from Lenora really be? The thought of freedom, even briefly, decides for me.

Now, where would Lenora keep the keys to her Jeep?

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