chapter 24

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2019 - fifteen

"hey, you look really good," doyoung was all smiles as he met minji. 

minji looked down at her dress, "thank you." she had raided her closet to find something that would look good on her and fit the cold weather these days. she was not sure but she was indeed nervous for this day as doyoung did not want to tell her where he was bringing her, "so, where are we going?"

the male interlocked his fingers with minji's, "you'll find out once we get there." as he held her hand, he also realised she was wearing the bracelet he had given her in the christmas exchange two years back. well, he was wearing it too. they looked like a real couple, didn't they?

they took a bus to the location and they had talked non-stop, particularly about the handover that was happening in the coming week. 

"as much as i can't wait to get out of radio club, i feel like i'll miss it alot," minji said.

"you're not joining again next year?" 

shaking her head, "i'm still thinking about it. i might want to join council again and the workload might be too much with CSAT in a few years." 

doyoung slightly frowned, "then i'll be alone there?" 

"i'm just thinking about it. who knows, i may quit council to continue radio club..." 

"how's your handover for council going?"

minji shrugged her shoulders, "just fine, i guess. the next batch are quite reliable too. hmm... are we reaching soon?"

doyoung then checked his phone, "yup, another 2 stops. are you tired?"

"no, no. i was just wondering cause i felt like we've been on the bus for quite a while."

once they had reached, doyoung led minji to a small hut where there was a pottery and a huge kiln behind it. minji's eyes widen, "oh my god."

"i told you that you would like it," he grinned as minji pulled him by the hand to quickly enter the hut. minji had always wanted to try out making pottery but did not have the time to do so. she remembered only mentioning once or twice and did not expect doyoung to remember such details. 

inside the hut, many pieces were displayed, there was earthenware, kaolin, stoneware, ball clay and fire clay. minji was mesmerised as she saw the beautiful fragile pieces, and doyoung on the other hand, was simply admiring how minji thrilled was. 

a potter came into the hut and wiped his hands before flipping a book on the table. "mr kim doyoung?"

"yes i am. i booked a session for 2."

the man nodded, "the both of you can follow me. i'll bring you through a mini tour around the place before you start the workshop. oh, you can call me asahi. are the both of you new?"

the duo nodded their head as asahi continued, "ah okay. it might be difficult at first but it will be better as you get used to it." he then brought them around the pottery and showed them the firing kiln and shared with them the history of it. 

afterwards, he brought them to the pottery wheel and passed them aprons so that they would not dirty themselves in the process. at the beginning, both of them were not able to get the hang of it, with the block of clay constantly falling apart. however, after a while, minji had managed to form the shape of a bowl while doyoung was still struggling, but he was trying really hard.

"help me," doyoung asked dejectedly. he was trying very hard to enjoy it as he was spending time with minji but this was not working out at all, doing something he sucked at. his art had always been the worst in his class.

minji chuckled, "here, you can add abit more water so it's not so dry," she then proceeded to help him slowly mould the clay. after she took her hands of it, doyoung tried again but it fell apart. she then went behind him and put her hands over his, slowly guiding his hands to form a bowl. 

given the close proximity and how minji was literally back hugging him already, it took doyoung a large amount of effort in order to concentrate on the clay. with minji's help, he managed to form a bowl and slowly a plate, then brought it up to become a vase. 

"hey, this is getting easy," doyoung got excited and turned behind to face minji. with that, their noses were touching each other and they stared into each other's eyes for a while before doyoung kissed the top of minji's nose, "thank you!"

"wel-welcome," minji then quickly returned back to her seat. 

asahi said, "you know, i've seen many couples come here but this is the first time i see the female being at the rear. you two look good together."

minji's face reddened, "we're not a couple." 

the potter let out a 'ah' sound, "sorry if i said anything i shouldn't have."

"no, no, it's fine," minji smiled. 

the duo then continued with their masterpieces and left it to dry. they were told to take a break for an hour while the potter helped them fire their pieces so they could glaze it after. 

they had walked into the hut where they were previously to look at inspiration on what to glaze later on. upon seeing one of the kaolin plates, minji realised it was a design she was familiar with and had read about it before. 

not being able to touch the pieces, she pointed it out and told doyoung, "you see that plate? it has the willow pattern. do you know the story behind it?"

the male shook his head, allowing minji to continue, "it was in the olden days, there was this girl who fell in love with her father's assistant. due to a difference in social class, her father objected to such a relationship and fired the assistant. shortly after, a marriage was arranged for the female and the assistant sneaked in on the day. they had then eloped to a secluded island but the father had found out after a few years. he then captured them and killed both of them. however, the gods were moved by their love and transformed them into a pair of doves," she then pointed at the two doves at the top of the plate. 

"so, it's a love story?" doyoung summarised everything minji had said. the shorter nodded her head and they continued walking around looking for ideas.

after an hour, asahi led them into the pottery studio where they could start their glazing. the two hardly said anything and poured their entire concentration into glazing the piece. when the other had tried to sneak a peak, they quickly hid their piece, for they actually planned to give the other the end product.

after an hour or so, they were done with the glazing and headed to eat dinner at a humble restaurant next door before collecting their masterpieces from asahi. the potter had nicely wrapped up their pottery and thanked them for making an effort to come so far. 

it was a long day and the two were tired, hugging their pottery while sleeping on each other's shoulders on the bus ride home. 

a/n: this book is going to be a really long one and i really hope everyone stays till the end with me! recently there is the issue about the latest tmap ep and i hope everyone is still doing okay <3

hey, best friend // treasure's kim doyoungWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu