chapter 14

348 24 7

2018 - fifteen

"are the two of you seriously going to continue being so childish..." yedam was trying to talk some sense into minji, but that clearly was not working out.

it has been a week since the incident at the bus stop happened and doyoung and minji has not been talking since then. it was a pain for all their friends and club activities because the two of them were clearly avoiding and ignoring each other. minji could only be glad that they were not in the same class as well.

minji kept her hands crossed and frowned, "he was the one who said i couldn't survive not talking to him. so i'm proving his point wrong now."

"is he wrong though," yedam sighed.

"well, i'm living fine without talking to him," she then put her hands on her waist. she did not like how everyone thought doyoung and her were close, so they could not be independent anymore. furthermore, yedam knew of her feelings for doyoung, meaning that he would think she would give in. 

she was right, yedam knew that minji would be the one who ended up talking to doyoung again because of her feelings for him, "but the both of you are being really childish right now."

"you mean him?" minji rolled her eyes. in fact, while minji was suffering, doyoung was having fun teasing her. 

once, when doyoung and his friends walked past minji and yerin, he purposely waved and only said hi to yerin. the best part was that he only met yerin once or twice, because of minji. 

"wow, what was that? did y'all fight or something?" yerin looked at minji.

minji only sighed, "kind of."

passive aggressive, he was. the female hated it and she wanted to kick doyoung in the balls right then. she was okay with them not talking, but she did not like it when he would blatantly ignore her. she hated the fact that doyoung was being like this and she hated herself from making this decision from the start.

"but are you gaining anything from this?" yedam tried to weigh out the pros and cons for minji to see. 

with a forced smile, minji said, "i mean, i don't have to take a longer bus now..."  

"wow, just for him, you still take that bus?" yedam shook his head at how a crush could make someone like this. that bus literally took her on a longer route and she still had to transfer bus. even then, she needed to walk home. it was tiring and imagine doing that everyday. 

minji could only nod her head slowly and slumped down onto the table. yedam just pat her head, "just give in already, yea? in the end, you're the only one in pain." 

right, his words were right. she was the only one upset that her best friend was ignoring her. yedam was always right and the best in giving advice, so after a week of convincing her, minji then decided to listen to him. 

minji decided to muster her courage to talk to doyoung first and act as if nothing had happened. that was how she always tried to solve conflicts and hopefully this would work. 

furthermore, there was a carnival the both of them wanted to go for since 3 months ago. this carnival only opened for two weekends and they missed the previous weekend because minji had a school event to head to. however, doyoung had went with another group of friends first which minji felt slightly unhappy about since they promised to go together. she decided not to talk about it since she felt that would make her seem too possessive of him. 


kim dumbyoung

are you free this weekend
dyu want to go to the carnival

i made plans with haeyoung alr
im sorry :-(

ahh its fine then

the new shopping mall that opened recently
lets go sometime soon

i heard that a&w opened there too

yeaa we can go try :D


then your carnival,, how?

ill pbb ask yedam 
no worries

im sorryy



minji put down her phone and sighed, "do you want to go to the carnival with me instead?" she was disappointed because usually doyoung would always be there with her and always trying new stuff together. she liked how doyoung would always experience his "firsts" with her, but at the same time, she hated how her expectations of him always rose. then when he forgets something, she would be unhappy. but in fact, she had no rights to be unhappy, she was just a friend after all. 

yedam gave her a questioning look, "did it not work out or something?"

"he has plans this weekend already."


"so, will you be free?" minji smiled at yedam. 

anytime, anyday, yedam would always say yes to minji. even though he knew that he was just a plan b, a backup plan, he was still grateful that she thought of him. only one word came out of his mouth smiling, "yup."

a/n: its the 2 year anniversary sinc they announced that hyunsuk is in the final lineup for ygtb! and tomorrow is the 3rd anni for his final lineup in mixnine... 

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