Part 10

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Crowley was overjoyed to see Eden back to her old self. She had been talking about the Doctor's visit nonstop ever since she woke up, her spirits lifted, her smile and appetite restored.

"It was wonderful Daddy, he told great jokes and told great stories and Star sat on his lap!" The black and white puppy was now curled up by her hip, wagging her tail excitedly. Aziraphale wasn't comfortable with keeping the pup in Eden's room for long periods of time due to how excited she would get so she slept in his and Crowley's room for the time being.

"That's wonderful love, but you need to eat. Doctor's orders remember?" Crowley reminded gently. Eden didn't need to be told twice. She used her good hand to pick up her spoon to shovel up a spoonful of white rice and then some scrambled eggs.

As Crowley cleared away her tray Eden sat up slowly, gritting her teeth in pain as she pushed herself up with her one good arm. Crowley nearly dropped the tray at the sound of the pained grunt from his daughter.

"Eden!" Crowley exclaimed as he rushed to her side. "How many times do we have to keep saying this....."

"Sorry Daddy." Eden panted, "I wanted to sit up so I could ask....."

"Eden, you don't have to sit up to ask me something, you know that."

"Can...can we play a quick game of D&D? I believe we are at the part in our quest where our Fellowship is approaching Fogmist Forest, and there are some strange happenings going on....a perfect journey for Halloween night, wouldn't you agree?"

Crowley smiled brightly. "I couldn't agree more Queenie. Give me a few to round up your Papa and that Archangel and then I'll get our gear. Do you need anything while I'm gone?"

"My Doctor Who quilt please." Eden said as Crowley finished getting her settled.

"Got it. I'll be back soon sweetie. Do NOT move on your own again, please I'm begging you."

"You got it Doc." Eden replied with a mischievous smile.

"Oh you." Crowley snorted as he pecked her on the forehead. "Allonsy!" Crowley declared as he dashed out of the room.

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2021 ⏰

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