Part 7

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Eden took a bite out of the freshly toasted slice of strawberry toast. She savored every bite, grateful that she wouldn't need a bowl of broth until later in the evening.

Although she was well aware of the Archangel Gabriel's concerned gaze as she ate with her good hand. Her Papa had to step out for a bit with her Daddy and the angel had asked the Archangel to keep an eye on her, leaving specific instructions to make sure that Eden didn't move around too much as she fed herself.

The poor Archangel was watching Eden as if she were a piece of glass that would shatter if she so much as fidgeted.

"Don't get yer knickers in a knot Gabe, I'm fine. You wanna bite?" Eden pushed a slice of toast in his direction, even pointed to the small portion of scrambled eggs on her plate.

"You need to eat every bite Eden." Gabriel replied as his dark purple gaze analyzed her every move.

Aziraphale had confided in him about Eden's distress and implored him to do whatever he could to try to lift her spirits...

"We haven't played Dungeons and Dragons in awhile." Gabriel began softly, he still didin't quite understand the game itself, but he did enjoy it, especially how happy it made Eden.

"Perhaps we can play a short game...." But to his dismay, Eden had stopped eating.

"Nah. I'm not really in the mood for D&D....." For some reason, everyone had been coaxing her to try to play D&D bedside and a few short games had been played....but today....

Realizing that she had stopped eating, Gabriel tried to change the subject. "Then at least finish your meal, you need to get your corporation strong again."

Eden had fallen silent which was so unlike her, if Gabriel could, he would heal her instantly and do whatever he could to make her smile again. He needed that smile to come back so desperately....

Eden's bedroom door creaked open and in stepped Aziraphale. "How is my darling sweetpea doing?" the angel said with a bright smile. "Did you enjoy your-" Aziraphale stopped when he noticed the unfinished food on Eden's tray.

"Little One, you haven't finished your food again." The angel rasped, his smile disappearing.

"I'm not hungry anymore." Eden murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

"That's alright then." Aziraphale replied, forcing the smile to return. His voice tight with the effort to not break into tears. "You can try to finish it after your broth; it'll help rid of the bitter taste."

As Aziraphale cleared away the tray Gabriel rose from the seat and kissed Eden's bandaged forehead. "I'll come see you later, get plenty of rest okay?"

Gabriel felt his corporation's heart twist painfully when Eden didn't respond and just stare ahead blankly.

Once Gabriel left, Aziraphale quickly wiped the tears that we're streaming down his face and turned back to his daughter.

"Eden dear, I have some good new; you have a visitor." Eden finally turned and met his eyes, their blue gazes locked. Serpent meeting angel's.


Right when she said that, her bedroom door creaked open and in popped someone that she truly never expected.


Bad Omens: A Companion True (Novella)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum