Part 8

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"Doctor?!" Eden exclaimed but broke off with a surprised yelp of pain.

"Eden!" Aziraphale and Crowley, no, The Doctor, cried as they dashed to the bed. The Doctor grasped her good hand while Aziraphale checked her stomach wound and her other injuries.

"Thank Someone, no broken stitches...." The angel sighed with relief but then he gazed at Eden sharply, "Eden, please, you need to be more careful!" He then turned back to the Doctor, "Now, Doctor, I'll leave you two alone for awhile. Please take good care of her."

"I will Mr. Fell." The Doctor replied his voice tight with worry, the look of pain in Eden's eyes was too much to bear.

Aziraphale slipped out of the room and left the door cracked open, in case he would be needed. 

Bad Omens: A Companion True (Novella)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora