"What the fuck happened in here? Looks like someone let Poison Ivy loose," laughed Damien, walking in with a couple of rabbits thrown over his shoulder.

"I got deer," Jason announced, dragging a huge deer in. We cooked the meat over the fire, and dug in. For dessert I formed some fruits and we basically inhaled them all.

After food, we were all sat around the fire, yet again. This time Pearce and Haley had disappeared, and gone on a walk. "Thanks Ari, for doing that," Jason said, gesturing over to his mate, who still lay unconscious, breathing in some of the smoke from the sage, covered in different herbs and plants to help the healing process.

"You don't have to thank me," I shrugged my shoulders, "I know you'd do the same for me."

"When do you think he will wake up?" he asked.

"Could be days, could be within the hour. I have no idea how much wolfsbane they pumped him with," I answered honestly.

"I think it was quite a lot," Jessica added, from the other side of the circle. "Logan is the second strongest werewolf in the world right now, second only to the king. The only way they could keep him so long is by constantly pumping him with wolfsbane."

"It might be a little more than a few days then," I said to Jason, who just put his head in his hands, and sagged.

"Tag," Damien blurts, touching my forearm, then jumping up and running around the cave, with Madison doing the same. I knew he was just trying to keep the mood light, not just for Jason's sake, but for Madison's sake too, so I played along.

"Oh, it's on," I grinned, jumping up and chasing after them. That led to a big game of tag, which led to 'Duck, duck, goose', which led to various other games. Everytime Damien was caught he would yell a swear word, and Madison always told him off for it, telling him he had to put money in a swear jar. Jason even came out of the shell he'd recently put himself in, and I even saw a faint smile occasionally decorate his face.

"I have a swear jar back at home, but for now you just have to put money under this rock," Madison announced. Damien rolled his eyes and forked out some money.

"What even happens to the money, your highness," joked Damien. Madison giggled at his behaviour.

"We use it to go out on an adventure," Madison grinned up at him.

"Oh really," Damien laughed, "alright then." Watching Damien with Madison was actually kind of cute... he is really sweet. Damien would make an amazing mate to someone someday, but I wasn't his mate, and he wasn't mine, and one day we would both find our mates, and that would lead to inevitable heartbreak, which I just didn't want.

"Once this is all over," Damien started, sitting down next to me and pulling me into his warm embrace, as the others slept, "maybe we could do something."

"I don't know Damien, and you know why," I looked up at him with a soft expression.

"I like you a lot Belly, in fact, I love you, you have been in my life for so long, you make me feel things, love, lust, jealousy, anger, warmth... I- I wish we were mates," confessed Damien.

"Believe me, that would make this situation a lot easier," I smiled softly. "For now, let's just stay as we are, this will end in heartbreak and we both know it. Your mate will be the luckiest girl in the world."

"Your mate will be the luckiest fucking guy," I smacked him on the chest for saying a swear in front of Madison, even if she was asleep. "If he does anything to hurt you, I will murder him, I'm not even joking."

"Yeah, you as well as Jason, and Seth probably."

"Don't say his name," he deadpanned. I playfully shoved him, and he chuckled at me.

"I don't think he will be awake by the time we reach the kingdom," I said to Jason.

"I'll have to let him go, I'd be shot on sight if I turned up there, carrying their unconscious beta. It would be kill first, questions later," Jason ran his hands through his hair.

"Would you join the pack?" asked Jessica.

"Would the king even let me join?" Jason asked back.

"I'll talk to him. He would be grateful for what you have done in saving us, surely he would let you. Plus, you're the beta's mate."

"But the beta is unconscious. I can't risk being killed, or imprisoned, what if the beta wakes up and rejects me, then kills me? When we get close to there, you'll have to go ahead, take the others. Explain to the king, and Logan when he wakes up, then call me."

"You won't be imprisoned, I won't let him," Jessica said.

"I know how this works out. I mean, we're the Dimitri twins, our parents are wanted. Haven't you heard all the stories about us? We will never be accepted, all we can hope is one day we won't be hunted as much as we currently are."

"You are so different from all the stories," Jess spoke softly, "the way you cared for us all, saved everyone in that prison. Both of you should be praised, not ridiculed.

"They are all just stories though, but they didn't come from nowhere," I shrugged my shoulders.

"Ari, that isn't fair, we aren't our parents, we don't hold their burdens, or their murders. We only hold their name, and a couple of their features."

"Yeah, I guess."

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