Chapter 3

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Tw - Refusing food

When he woke again. Tommy's lips were cracked and dry, as was his throat that felt blistered up on the inside. It hurt to swallow and breath. Slowly Tommy got out from under the bed, his back was sore and tense from the position he slept in. After a few stretches and satisfying pops of his back, he stood up.

That's when Tommy noticed the people in his room. Phil sat in a chair he must've pulled in, while techno was sitting on the floor, leaning against the cupboard door. Both of them were asleep.

Tommy quietly tiptoed out of the room and down the stairs. Once he walked off of the stairs he noticed Wilbur in the kitchen with his own drink of water. Wilbur spotted him and smiled, drinking the last of the water and putting the cup in the sink. "Morning" he smiled. Tommy lightly cleared this throat and painfully swallowed. "C-Can... I have a drink?" His voice was horse and much quieter than he would've expected. Wilbur nodded and pulled out a glass from the top cupboard before filling it with water.

He walked over and handed the water to Tommy, who gratefully took it and began drinking. Wilbur took the empty glass back and asked if he wanted more. Tommy declined as his throat was feeling better and it was a big glass in the first place.

"W-Wilbur?" Tommy called out trying not to wake anyone upstairs. "Yeah Tommy?" Wilbur turned around once he finished putting the cup in the sink. "Can I go outside?"
"Um... I'm not sure, we got a bit of rain last night and there's meant to be a storm today"
"Pleaseeeee" Tommy whined. He really wanted to go outside, the rain would only make it better. Wilbur sighed and nodded. "Only if you get warmer clothes, I don't want you to get sick" Tommy nodded slowly. "I don't have warmer clothes.." Wilbur hummed and thought for a few seconds. "You can wear one of my coats, it'll be big on you but at least you'll be warm" he said and grabbed a big brown coat off a hook.

When Tommy had the coat on it was clear it wasn't his. The coat came down to his thighs, almost his knees and the sleeves were rolled back almost 4 times so he could see his hands. His wings were also trapped inside of the coat but it didn't bother Tommy, they felt warm and protected inside of it. Wilbur also put on a coat and went outside with Tommy.

Tommy ran off the porch and instantly slipped on the wet grass. Wilbur laughed and ran over to see if he was ok, Tommy of course was. He got back up and ran, before stopping and letting himself slide along the grass like an ice skater or a surfer. Wilbur copied after him, tripping over himself once he reached Tommy. Tommy laughed at Wilbur while he was on the ground and Wilbur soon joined in, laughing.

"Cmon, I wanna show you something" Wilbur said and got to his feet. The two ran and slide the whole way to the tree line. They stopped of course to walk through. Wilbur stepped over each log and low hanging branch with ease. Tommy however had more struggle and found himself slipping, tripping and getting hit with branches that got swung back at him.

He even slipped on a wet branch and hit his back hard on it. He was in a lot of pain since then, but Wilbur didn't seem to notice.

"Just a little further" Wilbur said and stepped over a few more branches into a clearing. Tommy sped up seeing the clearing and stupidly slipped and hit his back again. He whined but managed to laugh it off and get to his feet. Tommy made it to the clearing and saw a tree bigger than the rest in the middle. He noticed the treehouse in the tree and the tire swing hanging from a branch. "This is where Techno and I hung a lot when we were younger" Wilbur smiled looking over at their creation. "We still do" Tommy was amazed. It looked so nice.

"Well... We should probably head back" Wilbur said looking up to the sky after a few moments of silence. "It's going to rain soon"
"Wait! please Wilbur..." Tommy pulled on the mans coat. "Just a few swings?" He motioned to the tire swing. Wilbur sighed and looked back up to the sky. "Just a few" he said. Tommy broke into a run and jumped into the tire swing, not caring it was wet and cold. Wilbur caught up quickly because of his long legs and gave Tommy a few pushes.

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