Chapter 1

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Tommy laid on his bed. There wasn't much to do. He wanted to go outside, to run around during the cold winter breeze. But the orphanage banned it as it was a hazardous and Tommy could easily fly away if he pleased. Outside was simply something Tommy barely got to experience, and being a bird hybrid that meant a lot.

Tommy had soft, whitey blonde wings on his back. Some people say they look like a light pink, he doesn't see it. They match his hair color actually.

"Thomas!" A voice pounded from outside his door. "Uh.. yea?" Tommy called back. He hated the name Thomas, but he wasn't going to correct a worker again, especially if they're higher up. He learnt his lesson from last time. "We have a family here to see you" Tommy gulped and got off of his bed, walking hesitating to the door, to open it.

"What if I don't go?" Tommy asked. He really didn't want to meet another family, but he also wanted a chance to go outside. He was drawn between the two options, but his mind found the cons before he even thought about the pros and settled on staying here, even if it meant he was stuck inside. "Thomas." They said sternly. "I don't want to go!" He shouted.

The door swung open and knocked Tommy to the floor. Penelope stood at the door frame, hands on her hips looking furious. She was a rather strict lady who put everyone in their place eventually. She was also quite short and plump. Chubby red cheeks and blonde hair, almost fully grey now, pulled into a tight bun at the back of her head.

"Did you just raise your voice at me?" She said in disbelief. "N-No! I didn't mean to!" Tommy tried to apologise but Penelope quickly grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the room. Her grip hurt Tommy and he tried to loosen it, even going as far to beg, which he hated to do most of all. "Stop this nonsense right now!" She yelled. "You should be grateful a family is here to adopt you" she let go of Tommy once they reached the office. "Now be nice and don't be a twat like last time" she swore and opened a door.

Tommy walked in and was quickly welcomed by a blonde man wearing a weird green hat. Tommy thought the hat was weird anyway. He's never seen someone else wear something like it, but it wasn't a bad hat overall. He'd just probably never wear it himself. The man also had big black wings perched on his back. They made Tommy relax a little more, he was also a hybrid and not some stinking human that wants a quick buck.

Tommy quickly sat down at his designated seat and Penelope walked in quickly. Handing the man a folder. Tommy knew what it was. It was his portfolio, it had his previous homes, hospital records, police records, notes and statements his past families have said about him and information on him. Like his age, eye colour, and things like that.

Penelope exited quickly and shut the door harder than Tommy expected, he jumped at the noise and made eye contact with the man. Who put the portfolio down on the table next to him and smiled at Tommy. "Thomas right?" He said kindly. Tommy had been spoken to like this many times when he first met families, he wasn't going to fall for the nice guy act. "I'm Philza Minecraft or Phil if you want to call me that" Tommy nodded taking in what he was saying, he had a good memory and seemed to soak in things around him like a sponge at times.

"Do you want to tell me about you, or shall I go first?" He asked. Tommy shrugged and sat up straighter. "I-I'll go..." he stuttered out. "Umm... yeah I'm Thomas, but I'd rather be called Tommy if that's ok with you?" He said as more of a question, the man nodded, telling him to continue or signal he was listening. "Um. And... I'm 10?... and.... I really like... um... trees..." Tommy often struggled with introductions and almost stood up and walked out when he said he liked trees. It wasn't a complete lie, but it sounded boring.

"Well Tommy, I like trees also" the man smiled, making Tommy feel slightly better about his sorry excuse for an introduction. "I'm 37, I have two other sons at home that I'd love for you to meet, both adopted aswell" he said. Tommy was confused as to why the man wanted another child of he already had two. Did he have too many chores for the two and needed a third? We're they disobeying and needed an example of what would happen to them? Or were they the same as his other homes? His questions were drowned out when Phil spoke up.

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