Chapter 4

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He snuck down the stairs and right out the front door, quickly closing it and running down the porch. He didn't have his shoes but he didn't care. It had been forever since he was able to run by himself. He didn't care if he would be punished for his actions or sent back, Tommy wanted this moment for himself.

He ran down the hill the 3 slipped on and slid down it himself, feeling the wet grass and mud squish under his toes. He almost fell at the end but kept balance and ran for the trees. He knew he would be seen from his window where he was now, he didn't want this to end so soon.

Tree after tree and branch after branch Tommy found a clearing. Without a second thought he ran for it and laid down in the middle. Letting the large droplets hit his skin. Tommy let out a relaxing breath and laughed to himself. "Kid?" A voice said through the rain, Tommy almost didn't notice it. But he did however pick up the footsteps, he was scarily good and hearing footsteps throughout everything.

Tommy jumped to his feet, his hood coming off of his head as he did so. When he turned, there was a trio. Each of them were holding a horse by the reins. "Are you ok?" One of them said. Tommy didn't know what to say to the strangers he didn't know who they were. But they were blocking his way to the house, if he wanted to run he would have to run further away first. "Kid?" One of them walked closer, handing the horse rein to his friend.

When the man made contact with Tommy, he snapped out of the trance that froze him. Tommy tried to turn and run, but the man was quick, grabbing Tommy's hood and pulling him into him. Sending them both to the ground. Tommy struggled in his arms and even bit the man.

"Ow! The bitch bit me!" The man swore, getting to his feet. Now holding Tommy's arm harshly. Bitch? That was a new word. "You're a bitch!" Tommy yelled, hoping he was using the new word right. The two holding the horses laughed, and the man holding Tommy groaned. "Let's just go-" Tommy kicked the mans shin and made a run for it when he felt his grip loosen.

Shouts were heard when Tommy ran but they eventually became silent the further he ran. Tommy slowed when he could no longer hear anything but the rain. He sat down under a tree and curled up in on himself. Only now did he realise how fast the rain was falling and how cold it actually was. He began rubbing his arms, feeling goosebumps rise and a chill run up his back. Maybe it was time to head to Phil's house.

As much as Tommy wanted to get up and walk back, his body protested and shivered under the tree. Too tired to move. Which was weird, sense Tommy hasn't done much but sleep sense he's been with Phil. Tommy pulled his hood up, hoping it'll give him a little more warmth, even pulling his legs into his jumper, stretching it out. Tommy's teeth began to chatter and his whole body shook. Tommy doesn't remember a time he was this cold, he wasn't sure what to do and the rain was only getting heavier.

Footsteps approached and Tommy couldn't do anything about it. "You didn't get far, aye?" The voice said crouching down near Tommy. "You don't look too good" they said. "B-B-Bi...bitch!" Tommy's teeth chatter making it bared to speak. The man chuckled and picked Tommy up. "Cmon, you can come along with us until the storm passes" Tommy wanted to protest but his body began to shut down on him. First he couldn't keep his eyes open, then he couldn't move his lips before he knew it he lost movement in his limbs and he fell asleep in the mans arms.

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