🧟‍♂️Part 29🧟‍♀️

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Yesterday was just a normal day. People smiling to each other, hug each other, hold hands with each other and talk to each other but today people started to bite other peoples. That's when it starts, The Zombie Apocalypse
Jungkook immediately backed away from Yeonji and mouthed the word 'don't you dare'. She gave him a smirk and stuck your tongue out to him. The both of them glared at each other until someone cleared it's throat which makes them both look away from each other.

"Care to tell us what did you both talked about" Jin said while raising one of his eyebrows.

"It's nothing hyung, just telling my sweet little sister to keep her mouth shut because it's annoying" Jungkook said sarcastically.

"Yah-" Jungkook immediately cut her off.

"I'm going back to my room" He walk out of the room without waiting for someone to speak.

"Uh okay, so everybody can you please get out of my room? I'm so tired" Jin dramatically gasp.

"Are you kicking us out? How dare you" Yeonji look at him with a blank face and sighs.

"Sorry not sorry but please I need my beauty sleep" Yeonji gave them her puppy eyes which made their heart go boom boom.

"Sure thing Yeonji, come on hyung. Yeonji need to sleep and us too" Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung dragged the oldest out of the room while Jiye tailed behind them giggling.

Yeonji sighs before closing the door and lock it. She tiredly walk to her bed and immediately flopped down to it. Seconds later, she is already fast asleep while snoring.
Yeonji woke up feeling hungry cause she didn't get to eat dinner because she was dead asleep and didn't hear the sound of knocking on her door hours ago. Shw unlocked the door and quietly open it. When she's already at the kitchen, she immediately looked for the foods in the cabinets but looks like there's none left. She sighs and open the fridge to see that there's a food left. Yeonji quickly grabbed it and put it on the table before sitting down and ate the food. While she's enjoying eating her food, she heard a door being open and close after. She decided to ignore it and continue eating her food. Maybe it's one of the boys or one of the girls.

Yeonji stood up and walk to the sink before washing the plate. After cleaning it, she was going to go back to her room but stop midway when she heard some noise at the back of the house. She shrugged it off and continue walking back to her room. She locked the door when she's already inside and laid down on the bed. Yeonji's still not sleepy but she doesn't know what to do while fully awake. There's nothing else to do other than sleep so she tried sleeping again but failed. She tried it again but looks like her eyes doesn't want her to sleep. She got up and open the blinds that is used to cover the window to stare at the sky but noticed something walking at the forest. It's not alone, they're about 15 of them. She can't see it clearly because they're still a bit far away from the house that they're staying on. Suddenly, something shouted from behind them which makes them turn their head to where the sound came from. The one who shouted run passed them but that was a wrong move. It tripped and fell down. The persos was shaking as the hordes started nearing him/her.

"Help!" It shouted before getting bitten by about 15 of zombies. Yeonji quickly close blinds before the hordes can see her. Her lights was on so she quickly turned it off and run out of her room. She was going to tell the others about what she saw but looks like they're already awake. Probably because of the girl who shouted earlier.

"Who the fck was that? Her voice is so loud" Jin said still half asleep. Not only Jin who's half asleep but all of them except for Yeonji.

"Yeah, my dream was already nice but she ruined it" All of them keep talking while Yeonji looked so terrified and Jungkook noticed this.

"Yeonji why do you look so terrified? Is it because you saw a cockroach?" Yep Yeonji's afraid of cockroaches. Well who wouldn't?

"There's a hordes of zombies at the back of the house"

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