A welcoming to a new family

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It was later in the day. Storm clouds had gathered on the stands of the sky's theatre above the jungle, lazily looming over the trees with the docile threat of rain. They had eyes to watch nature react to them, the sun attempting to squeeze through the crowd to take a peek. The wind had picked up significantly, howling wildly and rustling the thick foliage menacingly, warning the wildlife of the oncoming storm.

Stress had rushed Tommy inside the moment she noticed ocelots running for cover on the jungle as the clouds approached. It was then that Tommy noticed the base's exterior and he could only gawk at it. A giant skull. A giant, bleached skull with pink eyes that were the upstairs windows and a flower crown resting on the forehead. He remained open-mouthed as he was led inside, Dandelion right behind them.

So that was what the builders were capable on this server, huh. He would not -ever- express his surprise and awe with words. Nope. Just expressions.

Iskall had taken off with his elytra as the two of them walked in the base, promising to bring back some supplies when the storm cleared. New clothes for Tommy, a set of armor and an elytra so that they could take him to Xisuma.

Tommy had questioned why the admin couldn't just come to them and Stress admitted that she wanted to give him a small tour of the server, at least the Shopping District. Though, he didn't know if he would stay long enough to have any use for the tour -hell, would he even be allowed to stay?

Stress was adamant that Xisuma would be kind to him until they figured out how the blond had found his way on the server. After all, he had to leave at some point. Dream's SMP was where his real home was, where his friends were, where his family had come to help them all through the wars. He had to return, if only just so he could watch from a distance.

Then again, no one other than Dream would notice his absence. No one other than Ghostbur visited Logsted and he was so easy to lie to and impressionable that he might as well be no one. No one would look for him except for Dream and he would be looking at the wrong places until he realized where Tommy actually was -if he ever realized. Dream was stupid like that.

Hermitcraft might be a good place to rest for a bit -if he was allowed to stay and rest. Tubbo and the others could handle themselves, he had no doubt about that even though that small voice at the back of his head kept whispering that Tubbo was in danger, that he had to go back as soon as possible to help. He pushed the thought away, deeming it as just himself being too clingy and protective over his friend.

There was no way that Dream could use his absence to his advantage for some otherworldly plan -not when he had disappeared from the whole of SMP. What would he do? Say that Tommy went mountain-climbing without him? Actually, that sounded kind of bad, especially when it could imply something far worse than an innocent sport. There was nothing that bastard could do until he found Tommy, end of story.

Tommy did wonder what Dream would tell them if they found out that he had disappeared though. Oh, to watch the color fade from his face -or mask, whichever of the two. Preferably not the mask.

The ground floor of the base had two spaces at the sides, filled to the brim with chests. Labels hang with magenta lettering to indicate the contents of each chest, curved and lines full with certain care. It was the storage system that Tommy had successfully ignored when they headed out because seeing the outside had been more important.

Now he was mind blown at the fact that there were shulker boxes just laying around in a pile. Not just one but many and Tommy did not know whether he should have vocalized his surprise or not.

"How do you have so many?!", he ended up asking, arms open and fingers splayed, figure tense, regarding the boxes as if the mere air around them was sacred or cursed.

A Rift Through Worlds (A Dream SMP x Hermitcraft AU)Where stories live. Discover now