A world of warm hands and safety blankets

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Tommy was, well... conflicted to say the least. He didn't know if he should let himself fall for what was a very obvious disguise or run the hell away before he was found by someone else. He was pretty sure that the woman was not on the server before and that led him to the conclusion that Dream had invited her at some point during his stay in exile. And if that were to be true, then Tommy had to get out of the house as fast as possible while he still had the chance -no matter how much he wanted to stay in the cocoon of blankets. Dream had made it a habit to visit the new players he would invite on his SMP -pretty frequently- to check out the potential of each new puppet.

"You don't need to lie", the woman had told him, referring to how he had tried to hide his hunger as she exited through a trapdoor in an empty corner of the room.

She had been gone for at least five minutes, probably to make him that poisoned food. Tommy had been left alone in the room and he had planned to make the most out of her absence. He realized then that he had not been given her name but that was okay -he would not stay there long enough to need it anyway.

Blue eyes examined the room. There was the closet that he had yet to see the inside of, that armorstand, a clock with beautifully curled numbers, a few hanging pots of flowers to suit the room theme and a comfy-looking bed on a somewhat-raised stage. He would steal that armor set later. The primary color scheme was pink and white, though there were a few reds and browns mixed in either through the flowers or little details like the ribbon tying the ends of the curtains. That was when he realized that he had been resting on a sofa rather than floating mid-air. That made much more sense actually.

The atmosphere was clear and homey, exquisitely mild and pure; it felt lived in. The aroma of the flowers was soft, barely noticeable but there nonetheless. Was that lavender?

His shoulders slumped at the thought of having to leave such a wonderful home -or base- but it had to be done. Then he recalled the bruises on his side and the cut on his cheek. He had to look for his backpack to get his hands on the potion to take care of them. Tentatively, he tugged the wool blankets loose and let them crumple and pile on his lap, ignoring how that same small voice in the back of his head urged him to stay in the cocoon.

Find weapons, retrieve backpack, treat injuries, steal food, potions and armor and run for the hills, he repeated the new to-do list to himself. He had to get out of there and his first destination would be the mysterious, brown closet to search for a sword. Surely, the woman would have netherite tools and weapons if she had a full armor set made out of the reddish-gray material.

He spotted a vial with a familiar pink liquid sitting on the nightstand next to the bed. It was a potion of healing and he would have rushed to it had he not suspected it to have been spiked with some drug. He moved his legs and immediately regretted it. The groans and moans of his bones were protesting against any movement and his muscles felt like they were being ripped. Like they were threads being snipped with razor sharp scissors.

Tommy was determined to complete his to-do list, however, and he was not going to let a little pain stop him. He ignored the flaring rushes going up his spine as he shifted on the sofa. It wasn't like he had not gotten used to it after all the wars that broke out; his body would always feel sluggish and exhausted after the relentless brawls in the SMP. He was a big man, he could handle a little pain.

He found his tattered clothes wet, stacked in a pile on the tile floor, forgotten. What had that woman told him again? I fell in a lake? Looking down at himself, he noted that he was not naked (thank Prime) and was instead in a green T-shirt and a long pair of jeans. That explained why he felt dry, he had begun to wonder about that. Wait... Did she?..

A Rift Through Worlds (A Dream SMP x Hermitcraft AU)Where stories live. Discover now