~Hey Sweetheart, guess who ;]?~

Sweetheart? It couldn't be him. Could it? I opened the second message.

~I really hope you're not ignoring my texts. My wolf is going to start getting antsy. ~

I rolled my eyes and texted him back.

~How in the world did you get my number? ~

I got an instant reply.

~I knew you weren't asleep. Watcha up too? ~

~Don't try to change the subject. How'd you get my number?~

~It's called going through your sister's phone while she's in the shower.~

Of course he would go through her phone. He was the Alpha, he had a way to get around everything.

~I'm going to tell her to change her password.~

~It won't make a difference. Now tell me, what are you doing?~

~I was trying to sleep, what about you? ~ I guess I could at least pretend that I actually cared about what he was doing.

~Thinking about how your lips would feel on mine.~

A shiver ran through my body.

~Sounds like good thoughts.~

~Oh believe me, they are.~

~Goodnight Derek. I need my sleep. I have things to do tomorrow.~

~What kind of things?~ Now he was curious. I thought to tease a bit.

~Don't worry about it ;) ~

I laughed because I could just imagine him growling.

~Don't tempt me Sweetheart ;) ~

~Goodnight Derek~


I turned my phone on vibrate and plugged it up to the charger. I really wasn't expecting to get a text message from him. I was still surprised that he'd even gotten my number. I brought my pillow closer to me and snuggled it and pretty soon I drifted off to sleep.

The next day, I got up around 11 o'clock. Practice didn't start until 12:30 so I called Maddie and asked for a ride. Luckily, she agreed. I continued getting ready. This cheerleading team only practiced in shorts and tank tops. They wore the actual uniforms on game days and pep rallies. After getting ready, I glanced at the time and went downstairs. A few minutes later, I heard a horn. I told my family that I was going to practice and walked outside. I hopped in the car and we were off.

"So, are you ready for your first day of practice?"

"I'd still rather be in dance class. Now that is a practice I'd love to be in."

Maddie laughed, "I heard that. Cecilia is supposed to be teaching us all a new cheer for the football season this year. Knowing her she probably hasn't come up with one."

I groaned, "We're going to be shaking everything. I just know it."

"Let's hope not. I'm sure the guys on the team won't mind especially the ones who are mated to cheerleaders."

"True. They'll laugh, smirk, and nudge each other."

"Speaking of laughing, my brother was in his room laughing up a storm last night." She glanced over, "It was either you or Michael."

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