"Well ya know, i was with Marcus and i was a cheerleader and a ballerina and my whole life revolved around what everyone else thought" "and now?"

"Now-now, I'm single and free to do whatever i want and I'm happy and i don't have to worry about other people thinking i was to thin or to thick or tall or short." "Wait-single?" "Seriously? Thats all you got? The single part?"

"I got the rest of it but i just thought" he looked at me confused that I looked at him confused then it hit me. He thought we were more.

"No. Eli no. I told you when we started having sex again that THIS was just sex. No feelings attached." "Wait. You were serious?! Come on Kiara you know we cant just "have sex" there's more between us and you know it so why would you-" "oh my god, here you go again. Your pinning it all on me again! See this is why just sex is better-" "you don't get it! We were together, we loved each other! It wont ever be 'just sex' between us!"

"God eli! Why cant things just be what we want it to be! Why does it gotta be more?!" "Maybe its not more. Maybe- maybe we just want different things." He grabbed his bag and walked out but i sure as hell wasn't going after him.


Tory came over to get ready with me since i was going to give her and miguel a ride to the party.

"- and then he said "maybe we just want different things" like dude if you wanted more than sex in the beginning than we could've avoided this whole thing." " girl you just need to catch a new dick,and a good one." I nodded at her through the mirror as I finished my blush. "I just i feel like i cant let go - i cant help but wonder why? Just why?"

"At some point you gotta stop searching for whys and leave it alone."

Elis pov:

"-and then she said ' why does it have to be more?!' it was always more! Were a forever thing but she wont even acknowledge that. Sometimes i think I understand her and then BOOM! Whole different person."

"How long has it felt like that?" Miguel asked me as we worked out in the dojo so I could blow some steam.

"Since the beginning man. First she was the perfect cheerleader with the captain of the football team. Then she was a ballerina. Then she was mine. Then she quite both and joined karate and changed her hair with me. Then she went back to brown and ballet. Then she- forget it, she changes to damn much." I said as i started doing push-ups.

"Has she ever gave you that smile." I heard someone say from across the room. It was sensei lawrence who was drinking a coors banquet. He looks kinda drunk.

"What?" I asked him. How long was he even there? "Shes got this smile.such a beautiful smile but it hides so much. Anytime i see it I think its her way of saying 'you dont know the real me, and you never will' ive seen her give it to you. Shes so good at hiding things. Avoiding them." I looked at him as I thought of the smile he could be talking about. It was the smile she gave me whenever i finally thought I understand her.

" but i know her, i raised her. All i can say is, dont give up on her, kid. Shes got a war in her head but shes got so much love in her heart. Shes just scared to let it out, but hey what do i know?" He tossed the keys at miguel. "Lockup when your done" he said as he stumbled out.

Kiaras pov:

I wore a plaid skirt and top set to the party (picture above) with combat boots to moons party.

"Kiki! You made it" i heard from behind me and spinned to see moon smiling at me. "Hey moony!" I hugged her and kissed her cheek.

Love on the brain - E.MTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon