"You look so mad at me," Cooker chuckled.

"I am mad at you."

"Damn, sorry for calling you a creep, then," Cooker apologized but Ava still held her scowl and her crossed arms, "you still look mad at me."

"I've been mad at you," Ava snapped back, "but you're too self-centered to notice."

"Woah, why are you mad at me?" Cooker held her hands up.

"Last time we had an actual, real conversation, you were yelling and threatening me. Then, you did the exact thing you threatened me not to do and didn't even have the courtesy to give me notice," Ava reminded Cooker how she yelled at Ava to not give up her identity before spilling it all to Xyra, "and you have yet to say sorry or take accountability for your own actions."

"Oh," Cooker said and rubbed the back of her neck, "well, I'm sorry, Red. I would have said sorry earlier if I knew you were mad at me."

Ava couldn't help but roll her eyes again, "What do you want?"

"Nothing, just saw you over here and I wanted to be nosy," Cooker shrugged, "but now that I'm here, I might as well let you know that I stocked the library with some new books you might be interested in."

Ava's face softened a little from its scowl before she squinted her eyes, "You got books for me?"

"Not all of them were specifically bought with you in mind," Cooker admitted, "but a good portion of them were. Even the ones that weren't bought with you in mind would be up your alley, you'll enjoy them."

Ava dropped her angry expression and sighed, "Very well. I suppose you are somewhat forgiven."

"You're easy to please," Cooker chuckled and Ava's scowl returned.

"And you're fucking annoying," Ava said, handing the bag to Cooker, "get this to Xyra."

She ignored the complaints coming from Cooker about being stuck with the bag and walked back to her quarters on the Scorned Woman, she had promised Fjord something and wanted to place it in his cabin before she forgot.

From being the one trained to being the one training others, Ava had certainly moved up in the ranks quickly. It was a good thing that she was a quick study and had taken copious amounts of notes during her training, or else she would be poorly prepared to help the newcomers transition into pirate life. While there were nights where she had to read over the official ship rules or consult with Theo or Xyra about an upcoming lesson, things were going splendidly. Within the cycle they were at sea, the new crew was settling in nicely. A lot of them were forging bonds and friendships, some had secured themselves jobs on the ship, and they seemed to have a good grasp on what would be expected of them in an emergency.

She taught one group of recruits for three to four suns before switching over to the other ship. While she was gone, the people she left behind would train with Morgana and either work or try to find a job. Ava thought that not having a set home for the journey would be difficult, but it worked out for the best. She had made so many friends over her tenure on the ship that with the two-ship fleet they had, most of them were split up. With switching around, she was able to keep in contact with everyone, speak to everyone, and have dinner with everyone.

It had been a cycle since they had left the roamer island and they were not arriving at the coast a few suns out from Dricaster for at least another half a cycle. With a new sloop to carry things in, the crew had enough supplies in storage to last them that whole time. They didn't stop on land to restock, not even once, and while the other pirates that were experienced with not touching their feet to land for cycles at a time were fine, Ava felt increasingly more anxious to stop seeing endless waters.

Hell Hath No Fury - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now