•C h a p t e r F o r t y - F o u r•

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*Trigger warning*
Execution by hanging — nothing gory, you can skip and I'll leave a brief recap at the end of the chapter. Happy reading!

The ballroom was vibrant, occupied by various ladies and gentlemen twirling and maneuvering around one another in a lively dance. They were dressed elegantly, in long gowns and dress coats. Noah and I were at the centre of it.

I knew exactly where I was. I was at another ball that Mother had taken me, only, I wasn't dancing with just anyone. I was dancing with Noah.

I glanced down at myself, at my dark green gown. I had specially worn the barrette Noah had gifted me. It was the highlight of my outfit. My curled hair bounced against my face as Noah and I danced and violin music sounded throughout the room from an orchestra behind the curtain.

His outfit was handsome even though it was just a regular black dress coat and his wavy hair combed back.

His hand was intertwined with mine, his other resting gently on my waist. Our feet moved together smoothly, like two puzzle pieces made for one another.

"Ophelia, I have good news to tell you," Noah said in a hushed tone. I raised an expectant eyebrow at him and a slow grin stretched across his lips. "I have your father's blessing for your hand in marriage. I believe he has yet to tell you."

I shook my head, feeling my own grin spread across my face, "Yes, he has. I am glad I heard it from you."

"I must be a lucky man for him to have agreed," Noah smirked, spinning me around with a hand. He caught me smoothly, placing his hand on my waist again as we continued to move around the dance floor. "If I am not mistaken, he mentioned you had a line of men asking for your hand in marriage."

"Yes," I nodded, my cheeks heating up. "They are all infuriating and stuck in their ways. You are different."

"I can not wait to be your husband," he said lowly as the music came to an end, the last note vibrating throughout the large room. He lifted my hand, bringing it to his lips as he pressed a soft kiss on the back of my hand.

I bit back my smile, avoiding his eyes for I knew that if I met his, I would grow beet red.

I glanced over at Mother and Father who stood to the side, beaming as they watched Noah and I twirl around the dance floor. They were dressed in their usual formal attire with their gowns and dress coats, hair adorned with either a hat or beautiful barrettes.

I returned their grins as Noah and I began making our way towards them, his hand in mine as he led me to Mother.

The smiles wiped off my parents' faces and instead, they curled down into a flat line. I stopped short, my brows furrowing at that sight. Their bright blue eyes morphed into a dark shade of blue, then navy and then black. The whites of their eyes disappeared, leaving only a black void.

"M-mother? Father?" I called out to them, my voice rhythmical and hollow — like an echo. Apprehension filled my gut as I watched them.

They didn't answer. They stared at me as they faded away into a blurry image and then they disappeared altogether. Fear finally crept in and my hand flew to my mouth. My eyes widened — Mother and Father were gone.

"I need help. My parents, they—" I glanced around frantically, my hands began to tremble wildly. Ladies and Lords chatted with one another, laughing and giggling, even flirting.

The music began again, echoing through the large, bustling room. It was a more aggressive, fast-paced tune. My breathing quickened into shallow, hyperventilating breaths and I struggled to take air in. Within all the chaos, no one seemed to notice my distress. The room began to spin as I glanced around, the bright ballgowns and dress coats all blurred into one.

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