•C h a p t e r S i x t e e n•

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I stood on the foyer at my house as my mom continued to pile Jackson's old toys that had been lying around the house for years into a bag.

"Oh, don't forget these," she grunted as she dropped another large bag in front of my feet. It was Jackson's old train set. She glanced up at me. "Do you think they take old clothes?"

My brows furrowed, "I don't know. Probably not?"

I was about to make a drive to the Children's Hospital to donate my old toys and books that I'd found lying around in my closet. Of course, my mom thought it was a good chance for me to help get rid of Jackson's things too.

In my opinion, if Jackson wanted to get rid of those things, he could just do it himself. Now, I had to lug his things in the car while he was out with his friends.

It was still early and I'd just finished all my exams. My mom had barely gotten out of bed, dressed in a robe. Her hair was still in their curlers, and she had the reminisce of a face mask on the corners of her face.

"Oh whatever, I'll just toss them out," my mom shrugged as she tied a knot on top of Jackson's bag of toys.

"Mom please, there are tons of places that take old clothes," I rolled my eyes at her nonchalance.

Just because we were well off, it didn't mean others were. Sometimes, I didn't think my mom understood that.

"Okay, you take care of them later then," she had her lips pressed in a thin line as she challenged me. I rolled my eyes again, suppressing a sigh.

With that, she walked off, back to the washroom where she was still getting through her skincare routine.

It took me two trips to drag all the bags through my driveway and into the trunk of my mom's car. I'd have to borrow hers since my motorcycle couldn't carry all those toys and books. It was a nice car, a shiny black BMW, but I had to say I still liked my bike more.

I hopped into the car and drove off. I sat through half an hour of Los Angeles traffic, thankful that I had my own music to listen to and not my mom's playlist. I turned into the hospital and slid into the loading zone.

There was no way I was going to pay fifteen dollars to park, and the lot was still so far from the actual hospital.

I opened the trunk to my mom's car, and the four bags of toys and books stared back at me. Damn it, I'd have to make two trips. But, there was no way I would.

I hooked two large bags in each arm, cursing at how heavy they were. I slammed the trunk shut, almost toppling over at the weight of the bags. I began waddling my way over to the main entrance of the hospital, grunting and groaning under my breath when someone brushed past my shoulders, walking on ahead of me.

My brows furrowed at the sight of the familiar dark hair I'd known for so long. He was in a pair of dark jeans and a white t-shirt.

"Liam!" I called after him, irritated that he managed to bump into me as he walked, but didn't greet me.

"Ophelia!" he mocked, turning around with an amused expression on his face. He eyed the four bags I was holding in my hands before he chuckled, shaking his head. With that, he turned and continued on his way. He entered the hospital, disappearing behind the automatic doors.

My mouth slackened at how he hadn't even offered to help, and I rolled my eyes. Not that I needed his help. He was the last person I wanted help from.

It was getting ridiculous how I was seeing him literally everywhere I went. I couldn't catch a break.

I stumbled on for another few feet until my arms began to burn where the handles of the bags made contact with it. I set the bags down on the ground, letting out an annoyed sigh as I realized that I should have taken two trips.

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