•C h a p t e r F o u r t e e n•

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My mom shoved us all into the car as the sun began to set. She was overly excited about this dinner with Liam and his parents, and even baked a pie. My mom baking was an unusual sight since usually, she would hire a baker or buy whatever we needed.

Jackson noticeably groaned as he sat down next to me in the back seat of the car. My mom had forced him to cancel on his friends to make it to dinner.

I also had to cancel with Avery, but she was not at all disappointed. In fact, she was excited for me that I got to have dinner with the Liam. I'd gladly trade places with her.

My dad started the car and we were off.

I stared out the window, ignoring my mom's excited comments about the dinner. She was adamant about me getting to know Liam more, not knowing that we'd known each other for two centuries.

Back then, Father had a line of suitors he wanted to introduce me to. I was lucky enough he gave me a choice to pick one of them.

The only man who stuck with me and caught my attention was Liam. I wish it hadn't been him, then maybe none of that would have happened, and my family wouldn't have been prosecuted for Treason.

I scoffed at how I'd been two hundred years ago and how I'd write little romantic notes for Liam. How we'd sneak out at night just to see each other.

He was destined to take over his father's position and part of me had always, and still loved how he was willing to do so. As a rich man, Liam had many other options he could go for.

Even now, Liam would take over his parents business. With the money he would inherit from them, he didn't need to work and yet he still would for his parents.

I sighed, shaking my head clear of thoughts of Liam. I didn't want to think about him anymore.

My dad pulled the car up in front of the Riveras' driveway, pulling up next to Robert's Porsche and Liam's Jeep.

I shivered at the memory of me pounding on Liam's door that day, only to see his mom in the end.

Reluctantly, I got out of the car with Jackson lugging behind me.

"We're finally here, this is so exciting," my mom turned to me, grabbing my arm to pull me along to the door.

"For you," I grumbled under my breath.

"This is a good chance for you to get to know Liam better. Who knows, maybe you'll like him," she gave me a sharp look.

"So this is just you trying to hook me up?" I raised an eyebrow at her, not even bothering to hide my irritation.

"It's never too early to start looking for a husband," she stated plainly as we walked up the stone path to the front doors.

Well, what if I don't want to get married. I thought bitterly to myself.

My dad placed a hand on my shoulder, "We'll see what happens with Liam. We shouldn't be forcing these things."

I almost let out a breath of relief from my dad's words. At least someone was on my side. He brought his knuckles to the door as he knocked. Jackson stood next to me, his hands stuffed into the pocket of his black jeans.

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