Orphan (part 2)

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Liam wakes up to the sounds of yelling. Not that that's unusual but this time it's different.

"Zayn's run away again!" He hears and instantly he snaps out of his tiredness.

"What happened?" He demands, quickly getting out of bed and pulling on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt.

"I don't know," Charlie, a ten year old redhead says breathlessly, "I woke up to go to the bathroom and realised Zayn's bed was empty!"

"I might know where to find him," Liam says calmly, slipping on his shoes, "but please guys, if we're not back before breakfast, don't mention anything to the staff, I don't want him getting into trouble."

The boys all nod and he knows they'll keep to their words. Liam's the oldest there and been here the longest so the boys see him as their leader.

He sees Niall and Harry sitting up in their beds, eyes wide with fear and realises they don't have a clue going on.

Since they've both arrived last week, he's developed a quick close connection with the both of them and a fierce want to protect them both.

They're a lot younger than all the boys here and as the oldest, he can't help assuming the big brother role, feeling like he needs to take care of them.

He'd like to stay and comfort them but he knows that he has to be back in time for school in order for him and Zayn not to get in trouble, so he settles for a quick hug each and Niall tries to cling to him longer.

Liam turns to Louis who is watching everything quietly.

"Can you please make sure they're okay?" He asks anxiously.

He nods and Liam appreciates it.

Louis arrived two months ago and is a little younger than him.

He doesn't really get close to anyone and doesn't like to be touched. He also hasn't spoken a word since he's arrived.

Somehow though, they'd developed a kind of bond, and would do anything to help each other out.

He leaves the room but doesn't go out through the front door. Instead he makes his way up to the attic and out of the window.

He remembers the night Zayn arrived. Liam had found him sitting on the rooftop, looking out at the city.

Zayn had shown him that from the rooftop it was possible to jump from building to building, he said it was possible to go round the entire city that way.

They were only eight at the time. A few years later and he's trying to run away time after time the same exact way.

Liam knows he never really wants to run away, if he would, he wouldn't let Liam find him and really he doesn't have anywhere to go. He knows this is Zayn's silent way of telling him life was getting too much.

Zayn is tough. Most of the other boys are scared of him. He never shows his emotions. Doesn't seem to care about himself or anyone else. But Liam has seen a side of him that no one else has ever seen and knows that beneath all that he's just hurting.

He jumps across rooftops before he finally spots him, sitting huddled up, knees pressed to his chest.

He reaches the building he's sitting on and walks up to him slowly.

Liam immediately senses that this time there's something different going on and when he get closer he sees that he's crying.

He's never seen Zayn cry. Not ever. So to say that it scares him is an understatement.

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