Lost in the forest (part 1)

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Prompt: the boys get lost on a camping trip and become friends.

"Quiet boys!" A loud voice boomed over a megaphone, "before we begin the hike, is there anyone who needs to use the bathroom? Because there won't be another one until the end of the hike!"

A handful of boys made there way over to the counsellor giving the announcement.

"I think I'll go just in case," Louis said to his friend Stan, "you gonna join?"

He shook his head, "nah I'll pee in the bushes in the worst case."

Louis rolled his eyes and took off his backpack, "hold it while I'm gone, will ya?"

He runs after the group who were now already walking towards the toilets.

After doing his business he waits outside the bathrooms with a few random boys he's seen around the camp, but hasn't really gotten to know, for the rest of the group and the counsellor to finish up.

A blonde haired boy shifts impatiently on his feet.

"Hey Josh, I'm gonna head back to the rest of the campers, all right?" He calls.

"Alright Niall," the counsellor calls back.

The four other guys notify the counsellor as well and follow Niall to where they think the rest of the camp is.

They walk uphill for a few moments before they realise something is wrong.

"Hang on," a green eyed boy with shoulder length hair says, eyebrows narrowing, "I swear we didn't pass this stream earlier."

The boys stop and look at each other.

"He's right," a dark haired boy says. "I would have definitely noticed if we'd have passed it."

Niall curses under his breath, making a brunette boy raise his eyebrows and Louis smirk slightly.

"Must have gone in the opposite direction," Niall says and they turn around, heading back to the bathrooms.

It takes them a little longer to find it as they make another wrong turn and have to backtrack again. But they soon see the sign saying toilets.

They find it empty though.

"The others must have joined the camp already," Niall says and Louis rolls his eyes at him for stating the obvious.

"I think we came from here," the dark haired boy says, starting to walk in the direction of a thick cluster of trees.

"Are you sure?" The brunette asks doubtfully, looking in the opposite direction "I could have sworn we came from that way."

They look at each other awkwardly for a moment before the dark haired boy sighs and follows the other.

"Let's hope you're right," he says.


"Everyone's back? Great! We're going to split into three groups for the rest of the day!" The head counsellor calls. "Green trail with Chase, blue with me and red with Josh. Please don't choose a level you aren't up to."

The boys quickly split into groups and the groups leave for the trail. Stan, Louis' friend is deep in conversation with a few other guys before he realises they're starting the hike.

"Hey, Ben!" He says running over to the head counsellor, "Louis Tomlinson hasn't come back yet."

Ben looks at him absently, reading something off a clipboard, "he must have gone with one of the other groups," he says distractedly.

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