Lost in the forest (part 2)

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"Liam, you awake?" Liam snaps his eyes open at the loud whisper.

The fire has long since died out so he could just about make out the outline of Niall's figure curled up next to his.

"What's wrong?" He whispers back, propping himself on his hand to look at him, even though he can't see anything in the dark.

"Can't sleep," Niall says after a moment and Liam feels a pang of sympathy when he hears the fear evident in the boy's voice.

He doesn't know if Niall is actually younger than him but he feels like he is, feeling a strong need to comfort the lad.

"Do you think we'll find a way out tomorrow?" Niall whispers and as Liam's eyes grow accustomed to the dark he makes out his wide eyes staring at him.

"Im sure of it," he replies firmly.

"But what if we don't?" Niall asks and his voice sounds so small Liam could have sworn he was talking to a little child.

He sighs and brushes away all awkwardness, moving closer to Niall and gingerly placing an arm around him.

"We will," he says.

Feeling how Niall's body shakes slightly and how cold his bare arm feels, he pulls him in towards him wrapping both arms around the smaller boy.

Liam smiles slightly as he feels Niall let out a small sigh of relief allowing himself to relax into him. Head resting on his chest contently.

"Try to sleep Niall," he murmurs after a moment, grinning when all he gets is a tiny snore in response.


"Mmm- gerroff Loki!" Liam mumbles feeling his dogs wet slobber on his face, "stop Loki get off me!"

He opens his eyes to push his dog off him when he realises the slobber is actually thick raindrops pelting down in between the trees.

He checks his watch, eight am.

Thankfully the trees gave them some protection so the boys aren't completely drenched, but they wake up feeling wet and uncomfortable.

They share a pack of crisps and half of a chocolate bar between them before getting on their way again.

"The trails were all uphill," Liam says, "so I suppose that's the way we'll go."

No one argues but the climb's a drag, they silently pull themselves through the mud, all of them slipping from time to time and shivering in the cold.

"I wonder what the rest of the camp's doing," Zayn says.

"We'll they'd better be looking for us!" Louis says in mock anger and only Liam can bring himself to let out a small chuckle.

The next few hours are painful and slow. The boys don't talk too much, and take little breaks.

They climb up a rather slippery part when Louis lets out a cry, loosing hold of his footing and dropping about a metre down.

He falls on his leg which twists in an awkward position and his face contorts in pain.

"Louis! Are you okay?" Liam says worriedly as they all quickly drop beside him.

He winced, "my leg," he says, trying to push himself up.

Zayn meets Liam's gaze worriedly and Liam holds a hand out to Louis' shoulder.

"Rest for a minute mate," he says, "before you try and get up."

Louis waits a moment or two before pulling himself up with the help of Harry and Liam.

His face cringes in obvious pain as he tries to stand.

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