Chapter 73

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April 17, 2003

"Strippers," Ville said into the phone. "What kind of nonsense is that?! No, no, Bam, Bam, Bam! Bam, I already told you that I-Fuck!" He set his phone down. 

"What?" I asked him. 

"Bam went to go hire a fucking model for the video, but that's the whole reason why I brought you along."

"You brought me along to go hire a model for the video?"

"No, I brought you along to be in the video!"

"Oh, right."

"Do you not want to?"

"No, I do. I do."

"Okay, good."

My phone started ringing, so I answered it and asked, "Hello?"

"Adette!" My wedding planner, Jessie, shouted. 

"Hi, Jessie!" I eyed Ville letting him know who I was on the phone with. 

"How is everything with you two?"

"We're really good."

"That's very good. Listen, I got some news."

"Good or bad?"

"Good. So, I sent out all the invitations, got the beach reserved for the ceremony, got the food, etc. Basically, I've gotten everything sorted out. The only thing left we need to do is the parties (which the wedding parties will decide), your dress, and where we will all go after the ceremony."

"Hang on, Ville is right next to me, so I'll just put you on speaker."

I put her on speaker phone and Ville said, "Hi."

"Hello, Ville," Jessie said. 

I informed Ville on what we had already talked about. "We're not going to stay at the beach, Jessie."

"Okay, I'll write that down."

"Wait, so what exactly are we going to do after the ceremony?" Ville asked me. 

"We're going to literally get married at the beach, then we're going to go somewhere else to have food, dance, and have fun, you know?"

"Oh, I see. Why don't we just do it at your mom's house?"

"Why my mom's house?"

"She lives in a mansion."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"I think that what he's saying is it will be big enough," Jessie explained. 

"Big enough for what?" I asked. 

"All the guests coming. And you guys could host it in the backyard."

"I mean, I would have to ask her."

Our door opened and Bam yelled, "Strippers! Fucking strippers!"

"Shut up," Ville said. 

"Do you think that would be fine?" I asked Jessie. 

"Yeah, I think it would. Do you think that her house is big enough?"

"There's about 200 people coming."

"I don't know if her house is big enough, Ville."

"Bam's house would be big enough," Ville chuckled. 

"I'm not having our wedding at Bam's house."

Jessie chuckled. "Do you have your mom's number? Maybe I could try to orchestrate some things with her."

"Sure," I gave her my mom's number. 

"Thanks," She said. "I'll get back to you soon."

"Thanks, Jessie."

"Of course. Bye."

"Bye," I slammed my phone shut, ran over to Bam, and slapped him on the arm. "Dickhead."

"What the fuck was that for?" He chuckled. 

"I just felt like it."

"We couldn't find any models, Ville," Bam told Ville. 

"We don't need any," Ville walked over to us. 

"Why not?"

"Because Adette is going to be in the video."


"Yes! I already told you this!"

"That would've saved me so much fucking time! But, why Adette?"

"Wow," I said. 

"No, I was just asking."

"Maybe because I don't want him with any other woman and we wrote that song together."

"Oh, right. I wish you would've fucking told me."

"We did!" Ville and I said simultaneously. 

"Well, I'm bored. I'm going to go skating."

"See you!" Ville shouted as Bam left. 

"I'm bored," I told Ville.

"We could always go skinny dipping."

"Oh Jesus, Ville," I chuckled. "We could always take a shower, too."



"Great! Let's go!"


"Why not?"

"I'm just kidding."

"You better be. You can't get my hopes up for nothing."

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