Chapter 42

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"Hi," He waved at me and smiled. "I am here to kidnap you."

"Bam Margera?!"

"Goddammit, you know who I am!" He started muttering things quietly to himself while I just furrowed my eyebrows. 

"What the fuck are you doing here? How did you get into my fucking house?!"

"Okay, I can explain!"

Ashton's cries grew louder, so I ran back upstairs and opened up his door. He was sweating, red, and still sobbed. 

"Poor baby," I picked him up, wrapped him in the towel, and rocked him back and forth. "I'm sorry."

I walked downstairs and stopped Bam before he could go into the garage. 

"What?" He asked. "Oh my God, is that your son?"

"How the fuck did you get into my fucking house?"

"I can explain! Just wait one second!" He ran outside and I followed him. "GODDAMMIT!"




"No one, no one. Can I come inside?"

"No. Tell me why you're here first."

"I'm a huge fan of your mom's work and I wanted to come here to see if she was with you, but she's not."

"So you decided to break into my fucking house?!"

"I'm sorry, okay?! Jesus Christ!"

"Who left?"

"My friends. They're the ones that dropped me off."

"And you're not lying?"


"Come inside."

"Can I call my friends?"

"Sure. I'm going to put some clothes on him."

I walked back upstairs, but Ashton in some clothes, and walked back downstairs. 

"FUCK YOU!" He yelled. 

I flinched. "Please don't yell."

He turned around. "Sorry. What are you wearing?" He put his phone in his pocket. 

I looked down at myself and got embarrassed as I saw what I was wearing. "I'm so-"

"It's just legs," Then he looked at my breasts. "Oh."

I slapped him. "Don't look there!"

I put Ashton down and he shrieked, then ran into the living room. 

"You watch the show?" He asked me as we followed Ashton. 

"Oh, yeah. It's some funny shit."

"Were you crying?"

"No. Why do you say that?"

"Your eyes are just puffy and red."

"Yeah, I was crying."


"Eh, it's nothing."

"You sure?"


"Tell me."

I chuckled. "I just miss my boyfriend. He's been away for a while and tomorrow's his birthday."

Bam's phone started ringing, so he answered it, muttered, "Motherfuckers" then ran outside. 

I locked the garage door behind him and sat down next to Ashton. I was still confused as to what the fuck was going on. He was sitting in front of the T.V. watching "Jackass".

"This isn't for kids," I told him. 

"No!" He yelled. 


The front door opened and I gasped. I thought I locked the doors. I walked over to the door and saw a very tall figure in the doorway. 

"Fuck you!" I heard Bam yell. "She's probably so embarrassed!"

Ashton started running, so I grabbed him and put him back on the couch and walked towards the door, then screamed as loud as I could. Ville was inside. I ran to him and hugged him, wrapped my arms around his waist and bawled. 

"I fucking missed you!" I shouted. "I fucking missed you."

He wrapped his arms around me. "I missed you, too."

"Vill!" Ashton shouted and ran over to us. 

I got down from Ville and let him hug Ashton. 

"Okay, will someone tell me why the fuck Bam Margera is in our fucking house?!"

"Let us sit down first," Ville said. 

Bam, Ville, Ashton, and I sat down on the couch. I turned off the T.V. and then kissed Ville. 

"So," Bam said. "I am a huge fan of HIM and I wanted to meet them, so I did in about May. Anyways, we just got really close and I helped direct some of their music videos."

"Wait, you're friends with Bam Margera?!" I asked Ville. 

"Yeah," He smiled. "Wait, so what was your reaction when Bam came inside?"

I told him everything that happened and he ended up laughing hysterically. 

"It's not funny," I muttered. "I missed you, Ville. Why didn't you answer my fucking calls?!"

"Because I was on my way back."

"I didn't know that!"

"Are you wearing my shirt?"

"Yeah. I missed you."

He hugged me and rubbed my back. "My, my. Ashton, you've gotten so big!"

"He's been talking more, too."

"Who dat?" Ashton pointed to Bam. 

"He's my friend," Ville replied. 

I was just overcome with joy that Ville was back. I hugged him tightly and he chuckled. 

"Is it alright if Bam spends the night?" He asked. 

"Sure," I replied. 

"Great!" Bam chuckled. 

"What are we doing tomorrow, Ville?" I asked him. 

"Well," He replied. "I was thinking that we go out."

"For the whole day?"

"No. Just during the night."


"Hey, how's school been?"


"That's good."

"I have to go tomorrow."

"I know."

"Oh, do you now?" I turned to Bam. "How old are you?"

"Same age as you: 21."

"How the fuck do you know that?!"

He chuckled. "Ville talked a lot about you."

"Oh," I smiled, then walked to the kitchen to see what there was to eat. I pulled out some noodles and marinara sauce. 

"What are you making?" Ville asked as I pulled out a pot. 

"Spaghetti," I replied. "Bam, do you like spaghetti?"

"I love spaghetti," He smiled. 

Ohne Dich (Sequel to Stirb Nicht Vor Mir)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang