Chapter 13

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June 24, 1999

"I want to go," I walked outside of Christoph's house. "I want to come home, Mom."

"I understand," She spoke over the phone. "But you've only been there for four days."

"Four days and I'm already sick and tired of being here!"

"How is it so bad?"

"It's just so tense and they fight so much," I started to cry. "All they do is fight whenever they see each other. Richard blames him for you guys breaking up and Till says that Richard was a liar and it's just so stressful! Thank God Christoph let me stay at his house last night!"

"I'm sorry, Sweetie."

"I know you are, I'm just-I just need to calm down."

"Do you really want to come home?"

"No, I think that I'll spend the day with Richard and leave."

"And Till?"

"Half of the day will be with Richard and half of the day will be with Till."

"I'll let you get to it."



I walked back and Christoph agreed to drop me off at Richard's house. 

"Try to make an effort to talk with him," He told me. 

"Okay," I nodded my head. "Thanks."

"You're welcome."

"I'll go back to your house before I go since my stuff is there."

"Are you leaving?"

"Tonight I'm leaving. I already bought the tickets."

"Okay," He said sadly. 

I hugged him and knocked on Richard's door. He opened it up and I smiled. His hair was crazy and he was just in his boxers. 

"Can I hang out with you today?" I asked. 

He smiled and let me inside. 


"Not too hard!" He chuckled. 

I rested my hand lightly on the guitar string and strummed. "That's it?"

"That's how you palm mute."

"That's pretty easy."

He showed me the chords for the riff in Du Hast and I quickly learned it. We ended up playing the whole song together and laughing. 

"Any other requests?" He asked as he took a sip of his beer. 

"Um...what about," I smirked. "Buck Dich."

"Whatever you say, but we have to tune it to Drop D."

"How do you do that?"

He set down his guitar and took the one I had and turned the knob. "Here you go."

I tried playing Du Hast, but it sounded disgusting. "What's wrong with it?"

"You can't play power chords while using the E string."

"Ah, okay."

"Play it open, then put your hand on the third fret, strum, then the second fret, strum, back on the third, fifth, second, quickly third, then open," He said all while demonstrating. 

Ohne Dich (Sequel to Stirb Nicht Vor Mir)Where stories live. Discover now