Chapter 15

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June 29, 1999

"This week has been so tiring," I laid down on my back on my bed as Ville sat down next to me. 

"I'm guessing it's because of work?" He asked. 

"Yeah. It's really, really busy there."

"You know what I hate?"


"In stories, a woman and a man go out on a date. They kiss on the date. They go to the man's house. They fuck."

"That's every single romantic story right there!"

"It's annoying!"

"Look at us taking our time!"

"Because we're mature!"

As I was about to say something, my phone buzzed. "Hang on a second." I answered it. "Hello?"

"IT CAME OUT AND I HAVE IT!" Neil yelled. 

I flinched and started shaking. "W-W-What the fuck are you talking about?"

Ville could see me looking uncomfortable, so he started rubbing my arm. 

"The 'Slipknot' CD!"

"That's cool!"

"Hey, want to listen to it at your house after I bring Ashton over?"

"Um, Neil, I kind of have company."

"Oh," His tone turned to sadness. "Who?"


"Of course."

"Neil, don't-"

"No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. That doesn't mean that we still can't listen to it."

"You have a point."

"I'll be there soon, okay?"




"Who was that?" Ville asked as he quit rubbing my arm. 



"He's coming over to show me this new CD he got; is that alright?"

He stood up. "Yeah. I have to get going anyways, so-"

"Come on, Ville. I want you to stay. Please?"

"Fine," He sat back down. 

I laid down on my stomach towards him. "W-"

"ADETTE!" My mom yelled. 

Ville chuckled. "You couldn't even get a word out."

"Shut up," I playfully stuck my tongue out at him and walked downstairs. "Yeah?"

"Neil's here!"

I walked to the front door and kneeled down so that Ashton could hug me. 

"Hey, Ashton!" I hugged him and kissed him all over his face, then stood up. "Ready to show me, Neil?"

"Yeah, but Ashton can't be there," He told me. 

"Why not?"

"It's extremely explicit."

"I'll take him with me to go to the store," My mom swept him up and ran out of the house. 

Neil and I walked upstairs and he just stared at Ville as I grabbed out my CD player. He put in the CD, but Neil skipped it to the next track. 

"That track is literal bullshit," He told us. 

I nodded my head and then as soon as the next track started, I got hooked.  

As soon as it ended, I asked, "Did it say, 'You can't kill me 'cause I'm all read in spit of you'?"

"What the fucking fuck?" Neil shook his head. 

Ville chuckled. "It was saying, 'You can't kill me 'cause I'm already inside you'."

"Something along the lines of that," Neil pressed play on the next track. 

Before I knew it, I found myself headbanging to the lyrics, 'You can't see California without Marlon Brando's eyes'. 

We stopped at the fifth track and I shook my head in disbelief. 

"That is actually really good," I said. 

"I told you!" Neil placed the CD back in the case and stood up. "You smoke all the time, man?"

I turned around and saw that Ville was smoking. "He smokes whenever my mom's gone."

"You don't smoke in a house."

"He can smoke in here if he wants to, Neil," I turned back around. 

"It's disrespectful."

"I don't have a problem with it, Neil!"

"Whatever. Bye. I'll see you when I pick up my son. 

"Our son!" I yelled as he left. "Goddamn. I'm sorry about that, Ville."

"Eh, I don't care," He shrugged his shoulders. 

"You know what's weird?" I turned around, sat down, and faced him. 


"I really, really like the smell of cigarettes."

"You do?"


"Have you ever tried a cigarette before?"


"Do you want to try?"

"Not really."

"If you do, just let me know."

"Okay," I looked at him and couldn't stop smiling. 

He started blushing. "What?"


He threw his cigarette away. "What?"

"Nothing," I repeated. 

He moved himself closer to me and slowly kissed me while cupping the side of my face. I kissed him back and leaned into my bed, causing him to go on top of me. Nothing ever intensified and it just stayed as it was-us making out. I was very happy that I could kiss someone passionately and it not lead to sex. 

I let go of him and smiled. 

"Your makeup's messed up," He said. 

"What?!" I rushed to the mirror and rolled my eyes, then turned around. "You fucking liar. I don't wear makeup!"

He laughed again-that beautiful, obnoxious laugh of his. "That's your fault."

"I guess so," I hugged him for a little while. 

"Want to hear a joke?"


"Why is Santa's sack so big?"

"Jesus Christ, Ville."

He chortled. "Ask 'why'!"

"Fine! Why?"

"Because he only comes once a year."

I just plainly looked at him as he cracked up. I tried to stifle my laughter, but I wasn't very successful and ended up laughing hysterically. 

"I have to go," He said. 

"Aw man!"

I walked him out to his car and kissed him right before he left. 

"See you," He told me. 

"See you."

Ohne Dich (Sequel to Stirb Nicht Vor Mir)Where stories live. Discover now