Chapter 3

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"Neil, I already told you that I didn't want to date you," I told him.

He chuckled. "I know. I was talking about someone else."

"Oh," I said, very embarrassed. "Who?"

"There's this guy that I know and he knows another guy who knows another guy-"

"Let me stop you right there."

"I'm just kidding," He chortled. "Anyways...There's this guy that I am about to be in a movie with. The thing is, he knows a musician-I can't say who yet-"

"Why not?"

"Let me explain!"

"Make it less confusing by giving names."

"Okay, the guy who I know (who's going to be in the movie) is named Steffan."

"Steffan, got it."

"Steffan knows a musician that fancies you."

"Fancies?!" I chuckled. 

"Fine, has a crush on you. I wouldn't call it a crush, though."

"He wants to get to know me?"

"Yeah, that's right."

"I don't know."

"Why not?"

"I think I just need a little break from dating. I just found out that my mom lied to me and I don't need other shit piled on top of that."


"But I still want to meet him."

"You do?"



"Because I want to meet new people. I have been talking to the same people for years now-there's nothing wrong with them-but I want new friends in a way. You know what's sad? You're the only person I talk to that's not family."

"Jesus!" He chuckled. "That sucks!"

"It does," I swam over and grabbed Ashton. "So, I still want to meet that guy (or girl)."

"It's a guy."

"It could be a girl."

"It's not a girl!"

"How do you know?"

"Because I know."

"Good enough. You ready to go inside, Ashton?"

"No, not yet!" He said. 

"Okay," I let go of him and he went back to swimming. 

"I have a favor to ask you," Neil said. 

"What is it?"

"I want to dye my hair blue. I got the hair dye and everything, but I need someone to do it. Will you?"



"Sure. Do you have two shirts that you don't mind getting ruined?"


"Okay. Ashton, buddy!"

"What?!" He yelled. 

"Time to come inside!"


"Excuse me?!"


"He needs to take a nap," Neil said. 

"Okay," I picked Neil up and he kept kicking and trying to get out of my arms. Neil eventually grabbed him and carried him inside. 

Ohne Dich (Sequel to Stirb Nicht Vor Mir)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat