Chapter twenty eight

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The room seemed to fall into a slow spin.

George's limbs felt strained as soon as the words escaped his mouth. He swept his messy hair back behind his ears with shaky fingers, exposing more of his pale, itchy skin in the whirlwind of chaos. His whole body itched for that matter- as if it was trying to tell him to do something- to step forward already and get a move on.

Time froze though as George hesitated. The brunette paid no attention to his surroundings as he watched Dream- who just stood there in front of him- biting his lip in an attempt to hide the rising smirk on his face.

The thought of George's father and the guards that were still in the room didn't even cross his mind.

More snow blew in through the broken window, the icy breeze hitting Dream in his back as he studied the prince with owlish eyes, messing up his hair as well and chilling his body.

Dream couldn't help but replay George's words over and over again in his head.

A realization came to his mind. This was how he was going to escape the kingdom- whether Tommy liked it or not- George was the only way to freedom- the only one who knew the quickest way out.

Technos' shrieking voice from down below broke Dream out of his thoughts. "Dream!" He screamed, moments after jumping from the window. "You need to jump! What are you waiting for?!"

Dream flinched, immediately tearing his attention away from the prince and looking back towards his friends over the edge. He quickly stepped over broken glass shards and climbed up onto the window ledge, keeping his eyes locked on them.

It was pitch black outside- besides the vivid snow blowing in his face. He blinked and could faintly see rows of trees in the distance through squinted eyes, now covered with white.

Snowflakes continued to land on his arms and face as he balanced himself, melting as soon as they touched his hot skin.

He spun back around towards George and Karl seconds later, reaching for them with his hand and ushering for them to move.

"Come on!" He yelled, "We have to hurry!"

George finally stepped forward and grabbed onto Dream's hand, stepping up onto the ledge beside him.

Dream grabbed hold onto the broken window frames next to him to keep himself from falling, his bare hands going numb as soon as they touched the cold metal.

He ignored the feeling and spared one last glance inside of the old castle ballroom, now foggy from all of the snow. His heart beat irregularly as he locked eyes with the king once more. He could practically hear it thumping against his chest.

The king shouted in a quivering voice- as a last resort to reach his son- just loud enough to be heard. "Stop!" He looked towards the prince, his face crumpling, "Please, George!"

Guards were beginning to stand to their feet again, quickly beginning to move towards the boys.

Dream turned away and breathed out, almost feeling the heat of the king's frustration from yards away. He wrapped his hand around George's wrist tightly, the air around them stiffening. "Go now," he uttered.

The brunette nodded, connecting arms with Karl as well. Dream pushed his right foot off of the ledge and stepped out into the thin air, pulling both of the boys down with him and landing in a pile of snow seconds later.

He felt a stinging sensation in his wound and back as he hit the ground, his face almost freezing to the frosty snow as he landed.

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