Chapter 7//

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"Then maybe...maybe I don't need you anymore!" Y/n yelled, tears burned her eyes as she glared at a black haired boy.

"Well maybe I don't need you too!" The boy yelled back.



They turned their backs to each other and walked in opposite directions.

"I never needed him. I would probably be better off by myself. He was just holding me back." Y/n kept ranting to herself while she angrily made her way home.

"I never needed her. I would probably be better off by myself. She was just holding me back." Kaneki continued ranting to himself, making his way home angrily.

"He was just a waste of time!"

"She was just a waste of time!"

Both their bedroom doors shut closed, causing loud bangs to echo throughout their separate homes.

Y/n climbed up onto her bed, punching the many pillows neatly laied on it to try and relive her anger but with no progress.

Kaneki threw his fist against the wall with tremendous force, he ignored the pain which the act had brought to him as anger was still boiling within him.

"I hate him! I hate him! I hate him! I hate him! I hate him! I hate him! I hate him!" Y/n kept repeating as she kept punching the pillows.

"Y/n! What's wrong pup?" A concerned Mr. L/n walked through her bedroom door.

Y/n stopped punching the pillows and looked up at her father. "Father. It's...It's Kaneki! He....He ruined everything!" She punched another pillow.

"Why don't you tell me about it ok? What did he do?" The man calmly asked.

Y/n took a deep breath before laying herself properly on the bed. Her father took a seat next to her, giving her his full attention. "Well, we've got this huge project we're working on. It's supposed to be a partner's project and I got paired with him."

"Ok. Then, what went wrong?" Her father interrogated.

"I'm getting there."


"Anyway, we both had different ideas on how to go with it. I had my totally awesome idea and he had his super lame idea. We kept arguing and-"

"- and at the end we decided that we should each work on our own projects separately. Then we'd choose the best one. So we did, we made our individual projects and when we were complete, we showed them to each other." Kaneki explained to his mother.

"Ok... And then what made you so angry that you punched the wall?" His mother asked.

"I was punching the pillows to relive the stress from what happened earlier!" Y/n yelled as a reply to her father's question.

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