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Requested by:@TMR_and_PJO On the old oneshot book

[[this one is written by random_name I'm just  publishing it (teddy)
You have been a camp Campbell for a couple of weeks and so far your closest friend has been Preston! He was weird and eccentric and you didn't exactly know why you were friends but you were.

One night you were heading back to bed after doing an activity with the others but just as you were about to flop onto your bed, you find a little letter on your pillow with a rose on top. The handwriting is so fancy you can barley make it out! But you read it out loud,

"Dear the beautiful y/n,

You are required at the docks as soon as possible. I hope you are able to make it.

From, your secret admirer"

You see ered and she looks at you suspiciously
"So, you gonna go?"

"Yeah I mean I guess!" You reply

"It could be like a kidnapper or something or a serial killer!" She gestures crazily."that wouldn't be cool"

"How about you hide in the bushes while I speak to this sErIaL kIlLeR" you laugh as you get off your bed.

"Okay then." Ered replies as she open the door seriously

"Wha-" but before you even finish the word your being dragged out. As you both approach the docks you can see ered in a bush. You walk onto the edge of it and sit down. Your waiting for a while looking into the calm waters until you feel a tap on your shoulder. You turn around and you see a boy with a rose

"Preston? Did you...are you?!" You reply getting up in a bit of a shock. He hand you the rose.

"Y-yes... I was the one who sent the letter. I love you. Your smile is one of the gods. You perfect eyes glistens like clear water. Your hair as smooth as silk. Everyday your words haunt me in the best way! They echo in my head like I'm having to memories lines."

He then looks you in the eyes and gets worried because she sees the shock on your face.
"I'm sorry this was a bad idea I should g-"

"No! Don't go... I feel the same way. Sure your very strange but that's my favourite thing about you! I just can't believe that, you are so cute and perfect" you laugh as you pull him close to you. He is initially shocked but he soon wraps his arms around you. Your faces inch closer together and your about to... until ered and everyone else staring at you both.

"WOAHHHHH THEY WERE GONNA KISS!!!" Space kid shouts as you see him puts his hands on his helmet.

"Niceee" ered says as she shoots finger guns your way.

"KISS KISS KISS KISS KISS KISS KISS!" Everyone chants as you and Preston walk say from each other embarrassed. But as you walk back you quickly give him a peck in the cheek and you spring away

Probably your best night so far.

𝘊𝘢𝘮𝘱 𝘤𝘢𝘮𝘱 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘴Where stories live. Discover now