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[[unedited and old]]

Neil's PoV
I sat down on the ground glaring daggers at y/n while she did the same back. Us two had a burning hatred for each other since she uses her imagination while I use logic so we would always get into fights about which is better.

Now that I think about it we are like Harrison and Nerris...anyways, she was over by the art camp with Dolf .

I couldn't really make out what she was painting but I did see yellow and brown but that was really it. To be honest I loved the way she was so passionate about what she likes and the way her hair shined in the light also the way she smiled at her friends ...okay I may have a crush on my rival...

Y/n PoV
I turned around after a while of glaring at Neil. The rivalry we had always annoyed me but I'm known for putting up a fight so I try and stop it. I look back at what I was painting and realised it was you guess it Neil.

It was actually kind of good even though I was staring/glaring at Neil for some of it

"Wow y/n zat iz very good" Dolf complimented me. Dolf was my first friend at camp since we were in the same camp. He may be younger but he was a good friend.

"T-thanks..." I say slightly blushing since he knew about my crush on Neil.

Yep. I have a crush on the man I argue with all. The. Time.

He just attractive and intrigued me since I'm more into like...ALIEN and unicorn while he is into chemicals and other nerd stuff.

I sigh and take I quick glance at Neil to see him arguing with max while blushing...?

"Hey y/n if you givez the paintin to Neil the arguing may stop!" Dolf day happily while going back to his ...questionable painting. I thought about it for a bit.

'I-it might!' I think happily while taking my dirty apron off

"HEY Y/N I NEED TO TELL YOU SOMETHING!" I turn around and see Nikki coming up to me.

"Hm yeah nik what is it?"

"Well I heard nei-AAAA" Nikki gets cut off by the one and only Neil jumping on her and covering her mouth.

"I-It's NOthIN" Neil's voice cracks while he blushes madly.

"Oh okay....?" I say when I see Neil staring at something.i follow his gaze to see him looking at the picture I painted. I can feel my face getter warmer and warmer the longer he looked.

"Did y-you paint me?"

"Y-yeah. I was to ask for the arguing to stop since it was getting annoying.." is at while looking at the now very interesting dirt.

"It's great! I-i mean..." Neil says while trying to find a word less joyful then what he said in the beginning.

"Can I t-tell you something..." I ask. OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD ALEJAJLSKAKDKAKA

"Yeah sure."

"I-I IREALLYLIKEYOUANDWITHTHEFIGHTINGUGREWUPSETSOOOOOooooo....."I quickly say so it can be over with. He looks at me and blushes like crazy.

"I-I like you to actually...but the fighting made me think you hated me and I was to awkward to tell you."he says back to me. Now it's my turn to blush again.

"So does this mean no more fighting?" I ask he nods.

"And maybe we can go on a date by the dock or something.." he says back to me while I nod. He turns around to leave but before he does I kiss his cheek and then I left.

"DID YOU SEE THAT MAX???"nikki whisper Yelled to max who was hiding next to her in a bush.

"Yes I did nikki now calm your shit" max says annoyed like always.

"I'm going to tell everyone! BYE" Nikki yells and runs off leaving max by himself.

(681words )

[[ I posting all my old work from my main account into here since we moved that book here so :/]]

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