"I don't want to go back! I can't! They're mean!" She shouted as tears streamed down her cheeks and Maya felt her heart breaking. "They're going to hurt me if I say anything else. They'll find me, I'm sure of it."

    "Look, Mac, I know it's scary, but they're not going to come for you. They won't hurt you ever again, I promise," Maya said as she carefully wrapped her arms around Mac and let her cry into Maya's chest. "It's okay, sweetie. Nobody's going to come for you."

    Andy and Vic exchanged a glance as they watched Maya interact with Mac. They had never seen her this interested in a surrendered child, more like a runaway child. It was like nothing they had ever seen before, and both women were somewhat puzzled as to why Maya was taking such interest in Mac.

    "Now, come on. Let's get you some new clothes and something to eat, okay? Then we can talk about what happened, of course only if you want to," Maya said as she took Mac by the hand and led her to her office, handing her a pair of sweatpants and a sweater to change into.

    It only took Mac a few minutes before coming out of the Captain's bedroom in her Station 19 gear borrowed from Maya. When she came back out, Maya was sitting on the sofa with a plate of food waiting for her.

    "Thank you, Maya," Mac said as she took the plate and sat down next to the blonde. "What do you need to know about me?" She asked as she took a bite out of the sandwich that Vic made.

    Maya smiled softly before taking a good look at Mac. She had flowy red hair, and these insane bright blue eyes. She is beautiful, is what Maya thought when she first saw Mac. "Well let's start with your name. Can you tell me your full name please?"

    "Sure. It's Mackenzie Rose Miller, but as you know I go by Mac."

    "That's such a pretty name."

    "Thanks. Anyways, I've been in the foster home since I was little, I think two days. I guess my birth parents were teen parents and couldn't take care of me," Mac began saying. "Anyways, this was my tenth group home and they were way too abusive for anyone's liking. Of course, they pretend like they're the sweetest people which allows them to get more kids in their home, but don't fall for their act."

    "Who else is in the house with you?"

    Mac thought for a moment before beginning to speak. "There's Alec, he's fifteen and the oldest one there. Grace is thirteen, Josh is eleven, Bea and Joe are ten, Lucy, Luke and Leo are eight, Isaiah is seven, Vince and Violet are five, Kai is three and Cami is one."

    "Woah, that's a lot. That's a big group home," Maya said as she wrote down some notes about the group home so she could tell social services. "So... what made you run away?"

    "Well I never got along with any of them there. Except for Josh. He and I were the ones that got bullied the most. We came up with this... this plan to escape the home. It was supposed to work, but Jake, the man who runs the home with his wife, found us. He-He..."

    "Shhh, Mac. You don't have to continue if you don't want to," Maya interjected, reassuring the young girl. "Go ahead and keep eating. I'm going to go talk to my friends, okay?"

    Mac nodded and went back to her food while Maya exited her office. She walked to the reception desk, where Andy and Vic were waiting patiently for her.


    "Tough situation," Maya said as she set her clipboard down on the table. "She's only twelve and has been in foster care since she was two days old. There are thirteen other kids in that group home, ranging from fifteen to one. And I think they're all being abused in one way, shape, or form. At least that's what Mac told me."

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