It seems to him that he finds himself on top of a patch of flowers and fruits - which are now messed up - but luckily, the little boy is able to replace the damaged ones and replanted new ones and in less than a minute, the recently planted ones starts to grow exponentially faster than expected... almost too quickly that the seed had no possible time to absorb both the water and the sunshine within the small time constraint in a reasonable timeframe. Of course, it's a dream, he thinks to himself.... but... he can't control it.

Overtime, however, the flowers starts to decay for no explicable reason... and dies quickly and forms into 'something' horrible. It forms into a dark sphere that once again, swallows the flower boy whole as well as the natural lifeforms with him. Despite his vision never blurry, all he could see is pitch black; no color to be seen... He takes a grip... but feels something on his hand. It's thick, yet sturdy... I wonder what it could be, he thinks to himself.

The little boy drags his left arm to see what he has... but it's nothing... yet he can still feel the rough object. Later on, a tree suddenly appears with a tire swing... swinging around with nobody occupying it.

Even with no solid ground to stand on, he walks up to the lone tree and sits on the tire as he swings up and down. Suddenly, a human figure appears out of nowhere... At first glance, he has no clue on who this person is. Her clothes are in a nightgown... and it's ragged for some reason.

He doesn't know her... yet he feels as if the flower boy has seen this figure somewhere. Tilting his head to the side, before he could take a closer look, the demented figure screams at him and lunges at him as it tears up his skin apart. He's losing blood fast... he tries to struggle, but is too weak to fight back. He can only let out a bloodcurdling scream before he is finally silenced... for the rest of eternity.


" Basil, Basil, dear. Wake up. "

Before he knows it, the flower boy smacks the hand of his mother without even realizing before apologizing right afterwards. He can be seen quivering from head to toe... He must've had a horrible nightmare, his temporary caretaker assumes as she calms the distressed child. The warmth of a hug - though not related - seems to comfort him as he loosens up for now.

It takes a while for him to snap out of his nightmarish trance he has been getting for the past few weeks now, according to the calendar. Sometimes, anything that is going on around him seems to either slow down or not matter to him at all... as if he is mentally isolating himself. He couldn't take it anymore... he just couldn't... the flower boy hugs his caretaker tightly as he feels abandoned and uncertain on what's to come.

" Basil, dear. It's fine... you can tell me what's wrong... I'll listen to you. "

The horrible things *it* has done to him... would she even believe him? Question is, *why* would anyone believe him? It shouldn't come to discussion or else his newfound suffering would all be for nothing... he has to do this for him... for his best friend. The little boy shakes his head just a bit as he flashes a smile, hoping for the pain to go away.

It's not as if it will help him in the future. He thinks that letting that incident resurface once again would not only cause him dismay, but tenfold to his best friend. Above all else, he knows that it wasn't his fault... *Something* must've been behind him and killed his most beloved family member... right? He just can't picture his best friend being the culprit... he just believe it... he just can't... he thinks to himself.

" Don't worry, A-Aunt Polly! I'm okay... I think I just have a nightmare about s-spiders and drowning. I'll g-get over it soon. "

Basil then returns the hug and for a faint moment, it feels nice to have some comfort in these trying times. Of course, the incident has caused great grief and sorrow amongst his friend circle and he wants to help them as much as possible... though he doesn't know if he would be a bother to them or not.

☺︎︎𝑴𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔☹︎ - 🅞︎🅜︎🅞︎🅡︎🅘︎ 𝘖𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵 𝘉𝘰𝘰𝘬जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें