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"I don't need your excuses, I need results. Your team has been stuck on the same project for more than three months now." Inaya scolded a junior designer, Viraj.

"I am sorry, ma'am." He hung his head in shame.

"I am giving you one week. Finish the work by then or else you and your team will be facing some serious issues." She dismissed him.

She then focused on her laptop when her office door opened and a little girl came running at her.

"Ammi," The three year old baby ran and hugged Inaya's legs.

"Mera baccha!" Inaya picked up her daughter, Ilham, and hugged her while kissing her hair.

Behind Ilham, Razia entered.

"Thanks for dropping her, ammi." Inaya spoke to her mother.

Ilham was born a year and half after the marriage. She was like a tiny, fragile doll and Zain had cried when he held her for the first time. After six months of her birth, Inaya had resumed her work. During the hours the couple stayed in the office, Ilham stayed with her nani, Razia. But today Razia had a wedding to go to, so she dropped Ilham at Inaya's office before leaving.

An hour later, Inaya was in the middle of her work when Ilham whined. "Ammi, I am bored."

Inaya looked at her and found her sitting in one corner of her office with her teddy bear. She was pouting.

It was already six in the evening, so Inaya decided to put her work aside for the day and have some family time. She called Zain and asked him to come to the parking lot.

She wrapped up her work and bid goodbye to her assistant. On their way out, a few employees stopped them to talk to Ilham. She was really famous in both Inaya and Zain's office as she often came with her parents.

Ilham left Inaya's hand as soon as she saw her baba and ran to him. She was an absolute daddy's girl which used to make Inaya a little jealous sometimes, and Zain would always cheer her up saying that they'd have a boy next and that she could make him a mama's boy.

The three of them were on their way soon. The car ride was filled with Ilham's innocent questions. She was a very inquisitive child and she always had one thing or the other to ask.

Zain stopped the car on a busy street and got off to get shawarmas, while Ilham and Inaya waited in the car. After he came back, they resumed their drive. Half an hour later, they had reached Marine Drive. Ilham's happiness knew no bounds. She was jumping in excitement seeing the sea.

Since their first date, Inaya and Zain had loved to come here. After Ilham was born, they started to bring her too. Just like a young Zain used to love coming here with his parents, Ilham loved this place too. Life had came full circle.

They all sat down, and Zain took out the shawarmas. Inaya took a bite and rested her head on his shoulder, while Zain fed the first bite to his daughter. It had been almost five years since Zain had first brought Inaya here, and even after numerous visits, she still felt the same way as she felt all those years ago. Marine Drive held a special place in their hearts and would always do.

"Baba, see I can run so fast." Ilham shouted in excitement while running around.

"Yes, princess. I can see that." Zain smiled back at her. His one hand was draped around his wife's shoulder, who was looking at their daughter with a smile too.

Zain held her face and turned her towards him. He then kissed softly on her lips.

Before leaving, they got ice cream. As usual, Inaya got her chocolate, while the father-daughter duo ordered butterscotch.

By the time they got home, Ilham was asleep in the back seat. Zain took her in his arms.

"I'll tuck her in. You go and freshen up." He informed Inaya.

She showered and changed into shorts and a comfy t-shirt. She was applying her face cream when she felt a spank on her ass.

"Mir," She gasped at her smirking husband. Yes, she still called him Mir normally. Zain came out of her mouth only when he took her to the heights of ecstasy and beyond.

"I can't control myself when you display your ass in that tiny piece of cloth." He spanked her one more time and took her lips in a hungry kiss.

It had been so many years, and he still couldn't control himself around her. He would take her as many times as possible.

He kneaded her asscheeks while kissing her roughly. Soon their clothes flew out of their body as they immersed themselves into the pleasurable activities.

After a long session of love making, Inaya hid her naked body from the blanket and said to Zain, "I am hungry."

"Still?" Zain asked while catching his breath.

"I am hungry for food, you pervert!" She hit his arm.

The shawarma was burnt out due to all the workout they just did.

"What does my Naya want?" He turned towards her and asked her while kissing her round nose.

She absolutely loved the way he called her Naya.

"I want grilled cheese." She pouted.

He could never understand why his wife was obsessed with that particular food so much. But nonetheless, he'd do anything to make her happy.

"Sometimes I feel you love grilled cheese more than me." He commented while putting on a trouser.Inaya just laughed while he left the room to go to the kitchen.

When she had first met him, she'd have never thought that one day destiny would get them here. But she wasn't complaining. He was the best husband she could ever ask for and she never forgot to thank her Allah for blessing her with him.

Their life wasn't perfect. Like any normal couple, they fought too. But their love for each other was always greater than their anger. Another thing that they never did in their relationship was fight in front of Ilham. Casual teasing was okay, but whenever they'd had some serious arguments, it never left their bedroom. No matter how small your child is, parents fighting in front of them did affect their mental health, and they didn't want that.

Their life was filled with these little promises and efforts that they constantly did for each other. And this is what kept them happy till the very end.


And we're done with yet another story. I feel that this is one of the sweetest works of mine. Inaya and Zain are extremely close to my heart.

Please please vote and comment to let me know if you'll loved this story as much as I did while writing it.

And yes, please let me know what you guys want to read next. I am in dire need of suggestions.

Till then, more love to you people!

Authorhera 🖤❤

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