fresh air (the end)

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Well ....
Deal with the past it's not really hard But it takes a lot of effort to be able to make peace and resolve all past affairs. And I realize now that I always make people happy or never feel sad when they with me it's just like I broke myself to fix them. How can I be able to do that ? In fact that yourself it's still need someone to understand you, someone to numb the pain, someone that always be in your side, someone that want hear all your stupid story. But you have some issues so you can't do that, you want but you just scared about How will people react to you? You just pretend to be a Hero to all you friends and that sucks when you fake your own feeling and pretending everything it's fine. honesty that's me, I admit that. But now I realize, I just need to believe my self that I can do whatever I want, I can be myself without insecure with someone that I don't know, I can be brave and strong, and I don't care when people comparing me with someone else.

Just don't scare or don't think about what people say to you in negative way. it's just people jealous of you because you're beautiful, handsome, talented, good in painting, or sing or maybe athlete, have a good friend, have a nice personality, have a great day and still many. So just go and rise like a damn bitch. Show the word THIS is you. This is the real you.  Show them, people that bullied you or hate you, that's you are queen. You can bit them all with your success. Don't be scare okay.

Start a new journey, a new part of your book. Only you can decide what's gonna happen in next chapter. Because this is your life this your book. They not deserve or decided something in your life. They just some character in your book. So be who you are, don't be scare to speak up, and show the word you can do it.

So I hope this book, can give you some motivation and some lesson. And sorry for some wrong words, I still learn how to write in English language. And see you in another book.

Bye bye thank you for the vote, and read my book. Love you so much guys

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