
Start from the beginning

"No." He sassed, finally baring to look at her. "I was gonna give to Scott as a joke if he started talking to a girl, but things happened and he didn't even end up staying and—." Stiles rambled, being cut off when Lia reached across and held his arm.

"It's okay, I'm only kidding."

"Okay! Danny. Risk, reward." Coach yelled, placing the quarter on Danny's desk.

Thinking about it logically, Danny crossed his arms. "What's the reward?"

After a moment of thinking, Coach answered. "You don't have to take the pop quiz tomorrow."

"Coach, it's not a pop quiz if you tell us about it."

"Danny, you know, I really expect more from you at this point." Coach Finstock snapped, dragging the quarter off the table and facing Scott. "McCall. Risk, reward? The risk, if you don't put that quarter in the mug, you have to take the pop— the— the quiz. And— and you have to write an essay. Risk, more work. Reward— no work at all. Or choose not to play."

"But isn't this just chance?"

"No. You know your abilities, your coordination, your focus, past experience— all factors affecting the outcome. So what's it gonna be, McCall? More work, no work, or choose not to play?" Coach pressured, desperate for at least one of them to play. When Scott pushed the quarter away, Coach sighed. "No play. Okay. Who's next? Who wants the quarter?" In attempts to redeem himself, Stiles drummed his hand on his desk and rose from his seat. "There you go! There's a gamblin' man!" Coach supported, moving out the way and handing the small coin to Stiles. Catching eyes with Lydia, they shared a similar look — both knowing there were only two ways this could go. "All right, Stilinski."


Keeping his eyes on the small mug on the floor, which he was hoping to bounce the quarter into. "Yeah, Coach, I got it."

"Stiles." Finally looking up, Stiles faced his father. Beckoning him out of the room, the pack shared concerned looks.

"Lia?" Allison asked, wondering whether she had an idea of what it was to do with.

"Don't look at me, I'm just as confused as you." Aurelia quickly shushed them, trying to find Stiles' voice out in the hallway. Coming back empty-handed when she realised they had moved too far away. "I'll text him."

my hooman

Everything okay?

my hooman
Idk, Dad's taking me to some office
He looks stressed

God. I hope everything's okay

my hooman
I'm sure everything is

"He doesn't know what's happening," Lia informed them, turning in her seat to address the group. Roman sat in front of her, but he had already turned around in his seat and Scott sat to the side of him. Behind Scott was where Stiles previously sat, and behind Stiles was Lydia. Allison sat directly behind Aurelia, French braiding Lia's hair out of boredom. "His Dad's taking him to some private room."

"What do you think happened?" Lydia asked, repeatedly doodling on her paper.

"I have no idea." Hearing her phone buzz on the table, she picked it up and handed it to Scott.

𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙖𝙚𝙩𝙝, 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘬𝘪Where stories live. Discover now