They reminded her of tiger stripes, tiger stripes that ran down her breast, lower hips, and a few on her arms.

Justice finished her hygiene routine and exited the bathroom.

Asaiah was nowhere in sight so Justice decided to be nosey.

Next to the room, Justice had slept in was another bedroom, inside was a loft bed, pink rugs covered the floor, white led lights and decorative leaves covered the walls and a flat-screen tv was hooked on the wall.

Justice shut the bedroom door and went down the hall.

Down the hall was another bedroom, the walls were painted pink and a big white J was nailed on the wall.

A small smart tv sat on a white dresser.

And instead of a loft bed like the other bedroom, there was an all-white bunk bed shaped like a castle.

A white rug covered the ground.

Justice shut the bedroom door and kept looking around.

Justice walked down the stairs and looked around for Asaiah.

"Asaiah!" Justice called out but got no response.

Justice walked through the living room and kitchen, she walked down a hallway until she was met with two glass double doors.

She twisted the handle and opened the door.

Canvases and art supplies filled the room.

Justice walked into the room, artwork of all kinds covered the walls.

Justice ran her fingers along the walls as she looked at all the work.

Paintings of street names, houses, empty basketball courts, men, women, babies.

One painting caught Justice's eye.

A woman laying her head on a man's shoulder.

Like she had done to Asaiah.

In the corner of her eye Justice could see her reflection, in the corner of the room sat a rectangular mirror that had a folded piece of paper in the top right corner.

Justice walked over to the mirror and pulled the folded paper out of it.

She unfolded it and noticed herself and a boy in the picture together at the bottom it read.

Asaiah and Justice

Justice rubbed her thumb on the picture.

"What are you doing?"

Justice jumped and quickly turned around to see Asaiah.

His morning attire was replaced with a wife beater, Nike basketball shorts, and a pair of running shoes.

"Uh- Uh I uh- I was looking for you."

"I went for a run." Asaiah said bluntly as he walked further into the studio.

He was confused on why Justice was in his personal space, he wasn't mad, just confused.

"Why are you in here?"

Justice stepped back dropping the unfolded paper.

Asaiah bent down and picked it up, he knew it was the picture.

"I knew you looked familiar." Justice as she stepped closer to Asaiah.

"Ain't shit but a picture." Asaiah shrugged.

Justice leaned into Asaiah's face and rubbed his under eye with her thumb.

Asaiah smacked his lips. "You gotta leave my eye alone." He chuckled.

"Sorry I just-

"It's fine."

Asaiah walked to the other side of the room and grabbed a canvas.

He laid it on the floor and sat down.

"Can you grab me my paint tray?"

Justice nodded and grabbed the paint tray off the nearby table.

She handed it to him and watched as he opened it dipping his finger in purple paint.

"Sit down." He said as he made random marks on the canvas.

A calm silence filled the air, Asaiah made random marks on his canvas and Justice watched.

"You left." Justice said nonchalantly.


Asaiah was still pretty focused on his canvas but he was listening.

"Nothing." Justice said brushing it off.

"It was a long time ago."

Asaiah shrugged.

"Can I stay over again?" Justice asked she didn't want to go home, she wasn't afraid to be alone but she liked being with Asaiah.

Asaiah nodded. "You going home to grab you some more stuff?"

Justice nodded. "I'll go later though." She said as she laid her head on Asaiah's shoulder yet again.

At this point it was just a habit.

A habit Asaiah enjoyed.


I'm officially back!!!

This isn't really an emotional chapter of Justice and Asaiah but we're getting there.

Not proofread

Thoughts on this chapter?

How would y'all feel about a new book?

I will continue to write this one


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